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| GUYS EL IS 16 IN THIS STORY along with everyone else so all the party members are like 16 17|

bye kid ill be back! Bye hop!. *El goes to room* omg! im so bored... | *knock.. knock* what the hell? (el then realized mike was knocking on els window) MIKE!?!? hi El!| what the hell are you doing mike. Well i was bored el MIKE will and joyce and jonathan are all sleeping, omg you are gonna get me in trouble! sorry El, but you know i cant resist you.. I know mike..... *el and mike go on the bed and start making out for about 10 mins*

Wills pov:
(will hears noises coming fom the.. roof?) what the fuck? *will goes to els room and peeks in the door and sees... MIKE!? even though will saw them already he just went back to bed, even though his room was right next to els*

back to mike and els pov:

*el breaks the kiss* whats wrong el? nothing.. i just need to breath. oh.. ok *after a little break el got up and took her shirt off. She then went on mike who also had his shirt off, and started going up and doen on his body while they kissed* oh... omg, el your s- so fucking hot... (keep in mind will can hear them kinda.....) *el then slowly stared to pull her shorts off and so did mike. leaving both of them in no shirt or bra and no shorts\ pants. shit e-el omg (mike is laying on the bed in just his boxers with el in just her underwear riding his clothed di**(whoops) EL... *mike moans* shit el,, your so fucking g-gorgeous.......

wills pov again: OMG what are they doing.... im gonna go see... *will then goes to els door and peeks in it to see what was going on. he quickly looks away and runs back to his room in terror*

(time skip to the next morning)

mike... MIKE...... wake up! what el.. MIKE WAKE UP BEFORE HOP OR JOYCE SEES YOU! *mike runs out the window forgetting his shirt* (another time skip to when joyce calls them bor breakfast)


so el... yeah will. did u have fun last night? *will says looking at her in a fake confused way* yeah i did WILL. honey, what did u do last night El? i was studing... duh! oh ok honey! that sounds fun.. really el, i didnt know studying involved so much... noise shall we say?? WELL WILL i had music on! oh ok.....

(the phone rings) ill get it! *el was on the phone while will ran upstairs on the other hone and was listening to there conversation* their convo: hello? hey el its me mike, do u and will wanna come over? (just pretend they still live in hawkins or smth) umm yeah! let me ask will. ok, just come over when your done. ok! *

*el walks into wills room* will. yeah? do u wanna go to mikes house with me. sure.. ok come on! (they go to mikes house and see the whole pary in the basement)

HI EL *max says running towards her* OMG HI MAX!!! | guys lets play d&d! sure will. *all the boys were playing d&d and el and max were talking about lucas and mike*

el and maxs conversation: sooo El. yeah. have you and mike, like ever.. yk... well accually last night... NO SHIT really. yeah at like 2am, have you and lucas ever yk.. yeah we have, like 3 times tough! what 3 times! no way your shitting me, right no im not el. OMG was it like no clothes?! yeah no clothes, isnt that what u and mike did? no we both had underwear on... oh. yeah but idk if i would have no clothe on because mikes dick is small... *they both laugh for almost 2 minutes straight*

the boys conversation: what are they laughing about.. oh shit! whats wrong mike? well me and el well... um.. yk last night and idk if el told her i had (whispers a small pen**) HAHAHHAHH shut up dustin... it really isnt funny. thanks will! its super funny! *the boys continue to laugh* guys im tierd can we take a break from the campaign. fine.

(time skip to the middle of the night)

el... el. what max? can u come to the bathroom with me im scared... omg fine! (they are in the bathroom now and el is just looking at herself in the mirror the max opens up the window) wth are you doing max. sneaking out of this shit. wait can i come! duh thats why i brought you so come on lets go!

(time skip and they go to a party)

*back at the house and mike and lucas realize their girlfriends arent there* lucas.. were did they go umm idk... (mike checks els phone and sees were her and maxes location are) what hell they went a fu.cking party..

(time skip to when lucas and mike pull up to the party and find max and el drunk)

El wtf why did u leave.. god, i just went with max.. el your 16 not 21 *el is just high out of her mind and so is max so they are kinda just laughing in the back seat of the car and they made it home*

the boys coversation:shit hopper will kill me.. haha mike! very funny lucas (the other boys are sleeing)

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