Ch 1 - Version 1

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"Talking in mind"


He slowly opened his eyes. Dizziness overcome over his mind as his vision came into sight.

He was in a dark white room. There was no light or a light switch. The kid looked at the room better. Everything looked abandoned and destroyed. Debris where everywhere.

Then he looked at the other side of the room, there was a door and it was open. Or better say that it got destroyed by whatever did it to that place.

He stod up helping himself at the wall, his head was spinning. He then looked at his hand, blood on it and still dripping out from his head.

The kid didn't want to think to much about it, he could heal that later.

The little boy managed to arrive at the door and looked at the other side of it.

Everything was destroyed as if someone blew up the entire place.

He took some steps to the centre of the room and looked at the cracked floor.

Suddenly the floor cracked more and he fell some floors down. About 3 or 4 considering the falling time.

The kid groaned in pain as he held his head, sitting up.

He then looked around to see nothing but debris.

Dizziness overcome to his body again and he focused to not lost consciousness.

After what seemed an eternity he managed to stand up and walked around that floor to search for a way up.

After what felt like hours of searching, his body gave up. The kid fell on the floor and his eyes started to close.

Before he could fall unconscious he saw a blurred boy lifting his body up.

Then there was only blackness.

A week later

The little boy slowly opened his eyes. His vision was still blurry, but after some time he could see clearly.

He sit up only to begin knocked back lying by a sharp pain in his head.

"Don't move too much, you're still recovering"

The kid looked to where the voice came from. He saw a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes. He also had horns and devil wings. He lastly noticed his black tail.

"Who are you?"

The kid jumped in surprise mixed with fear. He fell off the rock he was lying on. He let out a little groan and held the side of his head with one hand.

The blonde guy lifted him up using his tail. The kid was hanging upside down in front of him.

He felt the dizziness come again. Staying in that stance wasn't the best for his head injury.

The man lied him down on the rock.

"What's your name kid?"

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