This series follows the adventures of a male Tyrannosaurus rex named Theo, from the Cretaceous to the modern era and in between. Joining Theo are many colorful and interesting characters of different shapes and sizes and species.
The series works by having each season focus on a different aspect of Theo's life.
Season one focuses on Theo's life in Cretaceous Hell Creek.
Season two focuses on Theo's life in the Modern world after being brought back from the dead.
I haven't thought about what the next season should be about.
The Adventures of Theo the T-rex Breakdown and Showcase
FanfictionThis is a new series I decided to work on instead of Legend of the Multiverse. This series is an animated adaptation of a trilogy of fanfics about Theo I made when I was young, and when I was a teenager. I also made the True Story of the Tyrannosaur...