Out of Stock ending rewritten

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The chilling wind flew Oscar's damp curls away from his face as he watched the train's dim lights disappear into the darkness, like it was never here to begin with. He closed his eyes, trying to steady his breath. As the stress and fear began to slowly fade away, the soreness of his body became more noticible. Placing his hands down onto the ground right behind him, he tried to push himself back on his feet, but his arms gave out rather quickly, making him fall back with a groan.


The mention of his name made his head shot up, he craned his neck to look in the direction of the familiar voice. And sure enough, his friends were standing just a few feet away. They looked drained, as if their souls have been sucked out of their bodies, but Oscar figured he didn't look any different. His eyes shifted from one boy to the other, trying to read their expressions. He saw concern, fear, and anger, particularly in Isaac, who was basically red in the face. He had already messed up when he stole the Plushtrap Chaser, he knew that, but jumping in front of a moving train put the nail in the coffin. Oscar bit his bottom lip, attempting to pull himself up onto his feet again. He gathered all the strength he had at the moment, which was not a lot, but was thankfully enough to get him to stand up. Oscar whirled around, facing his friends. He half expected them to scold him for his actions, or maybe even end their friendship entirely. Oscar was the reason their lives had been at risk, afterall. While he waited them to say something, he started analizing them, now more clearly, as they had stepped under the street light that illuminated the area. Raj was looking at him with worried eyes, his brows bunched up and sweat trickling down his forehead. His coily hair appeared even messier than normal, and his shoulders were hunched. Oscar mentally noted that while Raj didn't seem angry, annoyance crossed his face. Rubbing a hand over the back of his moist neck, Oscar returned his attention to Isaac, who was the angrier one of the two. The short boy's chest rose dramatically with every breath he took, his hands curled up into fists at his sides, and his jaw clenched. Oscar could tell that he was gritting his teeth. Isaac had never been good at controlling his temper. Growing up, he got worked up over small things rather easily, which made him a subject to Raj's teasing.

"Dude, what were you thinking?.." Raj was the first person to speak up, Isaac was too wrapped up in his anger to do anything else other than glare at Oscar. The chubby teen pressed his lips together, trying not to meet Raj's eyes. Or Isaac's, for that matter. When Oscar didn't reply to Raj's question, the short boy stepped closer, shoving Oscar back, hard. Oscar stumbled back, but managed to balance himself on time before he could fall. Taken aback by the sudden movement, he stared up at Isaac with his eyes wide, and that was when he noticed the small droplets of tears forming at the corners of the angry boy's eyes. His lip seemed to be trembling, too. Isaac took another step forward, while also trying to blink the tears away. He didn't want his friends to see him cry. Oscar didn't move away, he stayed exactly where he was, frozen. Another step. Isaac was so close to him, that if he reached, he could grab him. Oscar squinted his eyes shut, waiting for Isaac to shove him again.. Or hit him, slap, kick, anything really. I deserve this. He thought to himself. It's only the consequences of my actions. His body was subconsciously tensed up, as he was waiting for pain to shoot through his nerves, so when he felt a pair of skinny arms wrap around him, it caught him off guard. Although Isaac was shorter and thinner than him, it seemed as if the frustration and stress he had been feeling had made him stronger, the grip he had on Oscar reminded him of his mom's rib cracking hugs. The two slumped down onto the ground as Isaac sobbed his heart out, burying his head in Oscar's chest. His tears wetted the fabric of the taller boy's flannel jacket, but none of them seemed to notice. Oscar let one of his hands hesitantly go to Isaac's curly red hair, stroking it in a soothing way. The corners of his lips curled up into a small smile that was the result of the relief he was feeling at the moment. For a brief second, the whole world around them felt like it disappeared, and it was just him and Isaac. Oscar felt his face heating up, and for the first time tonight, he was grateful that there wasn't much of a light source around them except for the street light, but that was facing Oscar's back. A hand touched his shoulder, making Oscar flinch. Raj, who's previous annoyed expression had been replaced with a more relaxed one, also crouched down next to his other two friends, wrapping his arms around them and pulling them into a group hug.

"You're an idiot." Isaac's trembling voice snarled at Oscar, but he didn't look mad anymore. It made Oscar snort.

"I know." He replied back.

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