Period One

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(Wattpad keeps on deleting the pictures I put at the top 😭)
~          Scaramouche POV          ~
                    -         ~•~         -

Even though I've only spent a day at this school, it's already been horrible. For one, I have 2 classes with Childe, and half the people of this school are wary of me. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.

This school is boring, to be quite honest. But I'm pretty sure it's like that for all schools. They could at least try to make school somewhat interesting. Although, I guess that would be hard since we're learning facts, not how to bake a pancake or something.

Before I forget, I'm going to go over my class periods.
Period one- room 115
Period two- room 118
Period three- room 232
Period four- room 103
Period five- room 321
Period six- room 206
Majority of my classes are on the first floor, but that doesn't really do anything since my last period isn't on the first floor.

At least period two, the period before lunch, is on the first floor. I have period two with Kazuha, too..

Alright, so, I have periods two and five with Kazuha, and I also have period one, four, and five with Childe. Sadly, I have to be in class with Childe and Kazuha at the same time. Though, it's surprising that they get along so well.

Actually, no. It's not surprising they get along well. Childe gets along with everyone, considering his personality. Luckily, I'm one the only few people who doesn't fall for his cunning tricks.

I entered the door to my 1st period, glancing around. I didn't want Childe to sit with me again like yesterday, but the teacher had already given me that seat.

The walls of classroom were a mix of blue and gray, though with the tint of the lighting the walls seemed flat in color.

I sat down, patiently waiting for class to start. Childe wasn't here yet, hopefully he wasn't coming to school today.

I tapped the desk, my fingers making a rhythmic beat. The sound was torturous, but my hears were ringing so bashfully that I couldn't hear a thing. My eyes lost their vision, the room went blurry.

Ah. It seems I've zoned out.

I noticed I've zoned out. Something in me won't let me focus again, and to be honest, I'd rather not focus on anything anyways.

I don't usually zone out a lot, so I wonder why now. Nothing is worrying me, unless you count the endless amount of homework I had after only one day, but I've already finished it.

My thoughts were tickled with a familiar feeling, something so warm, but I couldn't describe what the warmth was aimed at.

I know there is a specific reason as to why I feel such fondness towards whatever the hell I'm thinking, but I can't even figure out who or what this feeling is directed towards.

My deep state of thought was broken as I felt a hand shake my shoulder. I flinched, but as I noticed it was Childe who touched me, I quickly brushed it off as if I hadn't reacted.

"What?" I glared at him as he grinned sheepishly, the corners of his mouth pulled slyly upwards. He seemed to have something to say, and unfortunately the class wasn't starting for another couple minutes.

"Woah, woah, Scaramouchie! No need to be so hostile~" Childe smirked, pulling out another one of his charming chuckles from his chest. God, he was annoying.

I sighed in response, pulling my arm away from him.

"Guess what?" Childe awaited an answer from me, but when he didn't get one, he continued. "I talked to your little boyfriend at detention yesterday~" Childe leered, his voice playful. It seemed he wanted to annoy me, at this point.

"Boyfriend? For one, I don't have one? And for two, I'm not gay, Childe." I said, looking at him. I'm sure my expression displayed my irritated presence, but I already knew any facial expression wasn't going to stop Childe from blabbering on.

Childe looked at me for a second, his expression a bit odd. "You know.. the one with the white hair and red streak? Uh..." Childe looked in thought for a moment, biting the side of his lip as he thought. "Kaya.. Kayu... Kahu..? Something like that." Childe said, looking proud of his totally off-point guesses.

"Red streak? Oh!" I thought for a moment, realizing who he meant. "Kazuha?" I said, irritated on how utterly wrong he got it.

Childe nodded eagerly in response, grinning ear to ear as he spoke. "Yeah! The one who somehow was able to hug the 'almighty, untouchable Scaramouche'!" Childe crowed, his voice sheepish. I can never really know what he's up to, huh?

"God, Childe, we're not dating. I'm not gay." I protested, trying to convince Childe. I mean, there's no way in hell that I'm gay. I'd say I look fairly straight, so I should be fine, right?

"You say that like it's a bad thing.." Childe groaned, kicking his feet up onto the oak-colored desk.

It is a bad thing though. Maybe not for other people, love who you want, I don't care, but I can't love a guy. It's not something that's accepted within my family. My relatives are fine with lesbians, because for some reason, they don't believe woman are worth anything. What modern day thinking they have. But as a son wants to something that rebells against their ideals, oh how the tables have turned.

"Shut up, you know what I mean.." I said, groaning. Childe most certainly knew about my family situation, considering he was my closest friend in junior high. "Now be quiet, I'm sick of hearing you talk."

"So mean~!" Childe made a pouting face, though you could still see the smile hidden behind it. "Don't you want to hear about all the things I told Kazuha?" Childe smirked, his smile more devilish now. God, what did he do?

I sat up a bit more, indicating that I was now listening. "He was quite the questionnaire, y'know? Couldn't keep any secrets from him~" My blood ran cold, what did Childe exactly tell Kazuha? He couldn't have, could he?

What if he told Kazuha about my past? Kazuha would for sure steer clear of me. God dammit, god dammit, god dammit..

Childe must've noticed my state of panic, but paid no mind to it. "I told about all the horrible things you did~ not like it's a secret anyways." Childe said, resting his face on his hand.


Words: 1097

I'm really disappointed in myself, because I said I was going to try to finish this chapter quicker. I've recently been loaded with school work, as it's the last week before winter break and teachers like to be assholes. But yeah, I'm trying my best. ( T_T) I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter at least, I already know what I'm doing for the next chapter, so hopefully it gets done quicker than this one. Anyways, bye-bye!

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