(1)His Sinful Love(Jk)PT-1

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Author pov :

!! Warning : Brutal scene!!

A man is screaming his lung out as he is feeling extreme pain as someone is cutting is fingers mercilessly.

That person is cutting his fingers with a satisfying smile on his lips, his smile is showing creepiness.

?? : This fingers need to go bcz they touched what's mine. *deep voice*

He didn't stop, just cutting his fingers with a sharp knife.

After few min that man is fully numb as blood is flowing out from his hands.

That killer hold his fingers & shove it in that person's mouth.

?? : Eat it, it's healthy for you. *smirk*

That man can't yell now as he is gagging, his all cutted fingers are in his mouth, he can't move as his body is chained with chair.

?? : Boss.... *gulp* Mrs. Jeon is calling you. *lowing head *

Tthat person's eyes soften as he heard her name.

?? : My princess *smile*

Then his smile turn into sinister smile, he signal his man's to pour petrol on that half unconscious man.

After that he take a lighter from his right man Kai.

?? : Burn to hell. *smirk*

With that he throw that lighter on that man and he started burning like chicken grill.


Night time -

?? : Sorry my princess yn

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?? : Sorry my princess yn . *pout*

Yn: Nope I'm not going to talk with you... *angry cute face*

?? : OK then Kookie will not eat anything if you didn't forgive him. *pout*

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