Part 4: disneyland🐻💂‍♀️

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"Maddy, violet and Landon want to go to Disney today" aiden says waking Maddy up. "Ok can I invite Maddox" Maddy asks."yea ofc" Aiden says before leaving maddys room so she can get ready. 
Maddy gets dressed and calls Maddox saying to get ready and that they are going to disney.

Maddys family get in the car and go pick up Maddox and his mom. Maddys mom and maddoxs mom have become great friends.

So they all soon get to Disney Texas a really big Disney park. "Hi Landon" Maddy says waving "hi Maddy" Landon says as he side eyes maddox. "Hi v!!" Landon says more enthusiastic to Violet. "Hey lando" Violet says. "Hi Aiden" landon says happily "Wsp lando" Aiden says. They all walk into the parks. And go to there first ride the swings. Are we all going to go to individuals or pares?" Asks landon "individual" Maddy says. "Ok" everyone agrees.

After the swings they went to go on big thunder mountain!!! (One of my favs!!) "ok who's going with who?" Asks mrs McGraw. "Jack and Aiden" violet says. "And uhm prob maddy and Maddox because she's the only one who knows maddox well" Violet says. "And I'll go with Landon" Violet says. "But I always ride with maddy" Landon says. "It's ok landon you can ride with Violet" Maddy says. "Ok" Landon says pissed off

Landon had always liked maddy and Landon was very jealous of Maddox.

After that ride they went to get food. And maddy and Maddox got a corn dog to share. Maddy took a bite then held it out to Maddox and Maddox bit it as they both laughed. Landon watched them furiously. "Maddy can we talk?" Asks Landon. "Yea" maddy says. "Come here rq" Landon says. So maddy hands the corn dog to maddox and walks to Landon. "I don't like maddox" Landon says. "Why not you don't even know maddox" Maddy says. "Because you obviously like him more than me" Landon exclaims. "No I don't I like you guys equaly" maddy says. "We'll if you loved me then you would want to sit with me on rides and we would take the double swings together like normal, and WE would share that corn dog Maddy!!" Landon yells. "Look Landon, Maddox is new to the group give him a chance, and you don't even like corn dogs" Maddy says. "He will never be apart of this group and so what if I don't like corn dogs I would pretend to just to share one with you" Landon yells pissed off. "Landon..." Maddy says looking down at the floor. Landon had relized all his yelling upset the girl. He tries to hug her. "No go" Maddy says. So Landon leaves and calls his mom to get him

"Are you ok mads I heard yelling" Maddox says coming up to Maddy "I'm ok" she says forcing a smile "Where's Landon? I rlly liked him he was so nice" Maddox says. "He didn't feel good..." Maddy makes up a lie. "Maddy I herd the whole thing" mrs batson says. "I'm so sorry" maddys mom comforts. "It's fine" Maddy says. "Ok well Violet Aiden and jack have to go because they have auditions round two so you guys can stay with Mrs. Batson but we have to go" says mrs. McGraw. "Ok bye mama love you" Maddy says hugging her mom. "We will figure things out with Landon later just have fun" her mom says before leaving. Maddoxs mom hugs maddy and they start walking around looking for rides. They got onto the gaurdians of the galaxy ride.

After that ride Maddy felt a lot better because Maddox and his mom where so gentle and caring. "Wanna look in some stores honey?" Maddoxs mom asks. "Yes!!!" Maddy says smiling.

It was cold that day and the sky was grey and cloudy and it started to gently sprinkle rain drops. But then it started to poor rain so they ran into the closest store. "Let's go look around honey and you tell me what happened with landon" mrs. Batson says. So Maddox goes to look at Disney ears because he wanted to buy a pair for maddy and mrs. Batson was just distracting her. "Well I filmed a show with him and I just finished a season not that long ago, and over filming me and him became close we where almost inseparable but we've grown and I'm not as close with him and he still wants to be with me, but also Violet likes Landon like a lot she has a crush on him a pretty big one...." Maddy says. "And he seems to like you" mrs. Batson says. "Yea" Maddy says. "We'll you are a very pretty girl" mrs batson says looking though the loungefly backpacks. "Thanks but I don't like Landon like that" Maddy says. "And that's where he sees Maddox and a threat because of how close you and Maddox got in the short amount of time" mrs batson says opening maddys mind. "Ohhhhhh" Maddy says realizing that Landon's just jealous and feels forgotten "yep" mrs batson says. "Ok pick out a bag and a sweater and then we will go" says mrs batson. "Oh I don't need anything" Maddy says "oh honey I insist" mrs batson says "it's ok I don't need anything" maddy says. "Ok then" mrs batson says. But then Maddox comes up to Maddy handing her a plastic Disney bag from the store.

"Maddox" she says opening it taking out a pair of ears and matching Disney jackets for the pair "what" he asks innocently and then maddy pulls out a small Disney plush that has groot on it. "Omg he's so cute" Maddy yells hugging the plush in her arms.

45 minutes later that where back at maddy house with the rest of both there family. "Hi Mr batson" Maddy says. "Hi Madeleine how are you" asks mr batson. "I'm good how are you" she asks smiling. "I'm great thanks for asking"

"Mr and mrs McGraw can we talk really quick out back?" Asks mrs batson. "Yes ofc" says mrs McGraw. All the kids look at each other confused besides maddoxs sister.

I'm the yard out side the parents where talking. "We have very good news" says mrs batson. "Ooohhh what?" Asks mrs McGraw. "Maddox and maddy were asked to tour with Zach the rest of the time" says mr batson "omg that's amazing does Maddox know?" Asks mrs McGraw "no we wanted to tell them together" says mrs batson. "Okay!! Let's go tell them" says mrs McGraw as her and mrs batson go back to the kids.

"Ok kids we having very exciting news" says Mrs McGraw . "What?" Asks Maddy and Maddox.
"Zach Bryan asked you guys to finish out his tour with him though the us" says mrs batson Maddy starts crying tears of happyness and Maddox stands up in shock. As Maddy stands up jumping into maddoxs arms with a huge smile. "So do you guys wanna do it?" Asks mrs McGraw. "Yes!!" They both say.

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