Prologue- Before the Madness

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Light shot from the Kah-Gash. In its wake, the universe was created. Stars lit up the darkened space, planets and suns and moons sprouting into life. Scattered throughout these celestial pieces, life begins, developing gradually yet with great speed. Then time starts. Creation slows down. Creatures begin anew, but in some ways... for the second time.

Grubbs Grady creates everything. Bec MacConn directs every detail. And Kernel Fleck monitors the threads of the universes.

They are the Kah-Gash.

Bec watches in awe, the only one of the three who truly appreciates the beauty of their work. They had begun life, directed it, for billions of years, yet they experienced it in a fraction of a second. Grubbs knocks a few more things into place, then takes a mental step back.

Time to let humanity develop on their own.

While Grubbs and Kernel fool around in different worlds of their making, invisible to the life forms that inhabit them, Bec focuses on Earth. She views silently among humanity, smiling at all that has transpired. With the help of the Kah-Gash, there were few demon attacks, magic was plentiful to the good and powerful, and little of the population suffered from supernatural disasters. Sure, bad things happened everyday by law, but much less in contrast to what could have been.

As the Celtic girl maneuvered through the crowds of people on the streets, she notices one girl far off from the others. There's a peculiar spark inside her. She might be a Disciple, but there's something more...

Bec focuses on the girl, letting her past, present, and future flood her mind- the Kah-Gash's mind. What she finds makes her gasp, and wind picks up in the streets. The strange girl disappears in the jumble of people, and Bec vanishes also. She hurries, faster than ever, and pinpoints the location of the other two-thirds of the Kah-Gash.

"Grubbs!" Bec calls desperately. "Kernel!"

The two stop what they're doing to respond. "What's the matter, Bec?" Kernel asks worriedly.

"There's a girl down there," Bec mutters, referring to Earth. "Her name is Syrra Harche. She..." Bec pauses, then proceeds to explain with images what is troubling her. As Grubbs and Kernel watch, they grow horrified.

"She could destroy us!" Grubbs howls. "Or maybe take over the Kah-Gash! I say we pulverize her quickly and cleanly to get he out of the way."

"We mustn't," Bec insists. "We've made the future changeable. If we can influence her to follow another path of a key point in he life, she won't be a threat to us."

"But we can't just make her do something." Kernel frowns. "Just like we can't just take her out of the game- it could lead to unspoken disaster. And it would go against many of the rules we've put in place."

"Aye." Bec nods. "But we can talk to her. Create bodies for ourselves and convince her personally. She may give in to our wishes if we do this properly."

"To hell with it." Grubbs snorts. "I think we should obliterate her atoms and rid of us the problem before it begins."

Bec sighs. "That shall be our Plan B then. Remember- we are the Kah-Gash. We can play this out over if the need arises and we fail the first time. But we need to try at least once. For our sakes."

Grubbs ponders that, then shrugs. "Fine. Tell us what to do."

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