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"I wanna make you feel wanted" I hear on the radio as I flip through the stations on my mums car radio like pages in a boring magazine. I crank the radio and start dramatically singing along with over exaggerated hand gestures and all. After the song was over I hear " dreams that's where I have to go to see your beautiful face anymore" and I turn the knob of the radio to turn the dial down and I begin flipping through the stations to find something better. I turn off the radio because all that's on are annoying songs and commercials. I look up and see we have pulled into my driveway. I open the car door and feel the cold sting of the winter air hit my face. I grab my coat off the floor of the car where I had placed it about 10 minutes into our 2 hour drive home from my aunt's house in Massachusetts. I close the car door and walk towards my front door while my sister and mom get out of the car. I open the door and hang up my coat quickly before I run to my room to check my phone. I ran up the stairs and grab my phone off my dresser where I forgot it early this morning. I look at the screen and type in the combination to unlock it. I see I've gotten 12 texts from my hilarious best friend Andrew. He said " hola" "are you there ?" "Baby come back" "I love you " "Jk die in a hole" " lol you know I love you" " I miss you :'( "come back" " ok don't answer me I can take a hint" " no I can't" "COME BACK!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!" I giggled slightly "are you gonna respond yet?" The last text was sent two minutes ago so I decided to respond " hey sorry I forgot my phone" I put my phone in my back pocket and walk to my dresser so I can get sweat pants to put on when I hear a ding sound from my phone. It was Andrew. He had responded " hey I missed u could u tell ? ;)". I flip the keyboard out to respond to him " lol no not from the 12 texts I couldn't tell" I put my sweat pants on and slide on a sweat shirt and slip my phone into my pocket. My phone dings again. The CD player sitting next to my bed catches my eye, inside it is the cd I made myself with my favorite songs. Collide (acoustic version), Amsterdam, tiptoe, from finer, and the last song. My hand reaches for the play button just as my sister walks into my room. She tells me that mum said We have to go to bed at a "reasonable time" and that she's going to bed. I look at my sister and say " ok cool I'm gonna stay up and text". She shrugs and walks to her room to play minecraft. The phone in my pocket dings again and I pull it out. The screen light up and the familiar sound if the ding rings through my room again. I type in the combination and see Andrews text, " I'm so freaking hot" the text reads above a picture of him. I laugh and look at the picture for a moment. I realized about a week ago I like him a bit more than friends. I couldn't tell him then and I never will be able to. The song on my radio changes to the last song by all American rejects. I flip the keyboard and text Andrew " yeah sure keep telling yourself that ;)" I sigh and press the send button. I pick up my bass guitar and start to play along to the song. I know every note of every chord. I barely hear it over my super loud base but my phone goes off again and I pick it up. " I want to tell you something" I roll my eyes knowing he's never serious about anything, " ok shoot" send. The song changes to Amsterdam ( my favorite ) and I put my bass down and lay on my bed. The ceiling becomes less and less interesting the more I stare at it. I hear my phone go off again so I pick it up. " I.........I....... Never mind." I sigh " ok fine whatever don't tell me" send. My phone goes off almost instantly and I read the text " I'm moving. We've been friends for as long a I can remember so I just couldn't tell you. I'm moving next weekend." The song changes to collide and the tears that I knew were coming swell up in my eyes. The screen becomes blurry as the tears roll down my cheeks. "..." Is all I can send. I roll over and bury my face in my pillow. Now I'll never tell him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2013 ⏰

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