A World with Soulmates - Intro

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Disclaimer:  The idea of soulmates has been done multiple times in the fanfiction community.  This, in no way, is an idea original to me.  Almost a decade ago I read a story by an Author named Mindheist called Never Let Me Go and it has stuck with me.   It was the first time I recall reading a story with the idea of soulmates/ skinship.  Since then, I have seen the concept many times.  This story is different from my usual type.  It has fantasy/science fiction elements to it.  If it's not your thing...I hope you give it a chance.  The chapters will be short but more frequent.  

Second Disclaimer:  I have said multiple times that I would not write RPF anymore...but yes, this is RPF with Yuzuru Hanyu.  However, this in no way is supposed to be an actual representation of Yuzuru Hanyu.  I am simply using his name/career and there will be many variances to actual happens.

 Let me know what you think!  Please vote/comment. I love hearing from you.


Introduction- A World with Soulmates

Soulmates exist.

That is the truth of the matter.

Humans have soulmates, and not just in the common sense of the term.  

We're not talking about the clichéd remarks casually tossed around, such as "there's a person for everybody" or "they are a match made in heaven".  What we're talking about is a true soulmate- A profound connection where individuals exist as two distinct halves of a whole, wandering aimlessly on their separate paths until... bam!  Fate orchestrates an unexpected meeting at the most unexpected time.

In today's world, it is a well-accepted fact that each person has a soulmate.  Ever since the discovery of this phenomenon a few decades ago, it has become a global sensation.  However, despite the widespread fascination, the meeting of soulmates remains exceptionally rare, fate only favoring a lucky few.  Regrettably, this has led many to spend years endlessly searching, only to never cross paths with their other halves.  

Yet, lightning does strike every now and then.

And when it does, it is as distinct as a shocking bolt- impossible to ignore- the proof of their meeting etched on their skin.

It starts with a touch.  Sometimes it as simple as the slight brushing of skin to skin, shared between two passing strangers.  Other times it is more intentional, like a handshake or a helping hand extended in generosity.  It may be big or small, no one can predict, but it is always monumental.

Within a few minutes of the pair making physical contact, a distinctive bruise appears on their skin, in the exact location where the contact happened.  This is called the 'Maiden Touch', aptly named because the feel of a soulmate's skin is incomparable to any other.  It is unparalleled, irresistibly intimate, and evokes a sensation of being previously untouched- like a maiden- until that transformative moment.

From that point, it typically only takes a few days until the pair becomes inseparable, both by choice and vital necessity. 

Unsurprisingly, meeting the person the universe perfectly designed for them almost always leads soulmates to an all-encompassing infatuation.  However, this connection extends beyond emotional ties – it is physically ensnaring.  Within days the touch of your soulmate is not just desired, but necessary for survival. In essence, a soulmate's touch becomes nourishment for the body, needing to be provided every day, and replacing the need for food entirely.  

Without that touch...both starve.  

Some claim this soulmate business is a curse, leaving people like parasites- dependent upon each other.  However, those voices are few and far between, easily overshadowed by the 'bonded' ones who had actually found their other halves. To these fortunate souls, the thought of life without their partner is inconceivable, and ironically, the idea of facing mortality becomes a preferable alternative to severing the sacred bond they share.

This is why even though only a small percentage of people are lucky enough to find their soulmate - maybe ten or fifteen percent at most - the idea is obsessed over by many.

Hana is no exception. 

She harbors the same cherished dream as countless others, captivated by the prospect of encountering the person who is, quite literally, her other half.  Unlike them, however, Hana isn't deluded enough to believe it will actually happen to her.

She has never been lucky.

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