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"you should die."

"no one likes you."

"you ruined everything."


The words echoed around his head, as he read hate message after hate message not being able to put his phone down. Ross was just an ordinary celebrity. he tried his hardest to please everyone but sometimes even his hardest wasn't enough.

"I bet your family don't even like you."

That comment hit a soft spot, causing tears to roll down Ross' pink cheeks. He dropped his phone onto his duvet and wiped the tears away, despite more falling. He tried to be as quiet as he could, not wanting to wake his baby brother, Ryland, who was asleep in the bed next to him.


the alarm clock next to his bed read. Ross picked up his phone and crept out of his room. The door to his brother's, Riker and Rocky's room was closed and Rydel, his sister, room door was slightly open. nevertheless, he refused to disturb them. this matter was too personal. he needed someone else. his bestfriend.

He crept down the stairs, shivering. It wasn't particularly cold but Ross was wearing jogging pants and a tight vest which made it seem cold.

Creeping into the kitchen, he looked out of the window. Across the way, Ross could see a small dim light on in the bedroom above the kitchen.

Ross scrolled through his contacts until he found the one that said Gabby.

Gabriella, or Gabby for short, was Ross' bestfriend. She knew about all the hate and everything that went on in Ross' life. She had stopped him multiple times from doing things he would regret and she always said he could talk to her, whatever the time of day.

Ross hit the call button and held the phone to his ear. He heard it ring once before she answered.

"Hey Ross." She said softly, her voice always sounding immediately reassuring.

"I've been reading hate messages again..." Ross quietly confessed.

"Can't sleep then I'm guessing?" She asked him calmly.

"No..." he mumbled slightly embarrassed.

"You wanna come over and talk?" she asked him, still sounding calm and relaxed despite it being 3am.

"yes please..." Ross mumbled, a tear falling as he kept thinking about the messages.

"okay, you know the drill. I'll see you in a few minutes." She replied before hanging up.

Ross grabbed sweater and slid his phone into his pocket, before carefully opening and closing the door. He went across the grass until he was just under Gabby's balcony. From there, with the help of the gaps in the wall, he was able to climb onto the balcony.

Ross always did this to get to her room. Its not that her parents didn't approve of him but their door was noisy and they left early in the morning so they needed all the sleep they could get. Once on the balcony, Ross tapped lightly on the window.

In the corner of the room, Gabby sat on her double bed, her laptop and phone in the middle of the large duvet. She looked a bit tired but liked to stay up through the night anyway. She heard Ross tap on the window and stuck up her thumb, not taking her eyes off her laptop, indicating he could come in.

Ross quietly opened the door and slipped inside, now wearing the large sweater. He slowly and shyly walked over to her bed. She paused the video she was watching and put her laptop to the side. She looked up at him and he smiled a little.

"You come in at least once a week during the night but you still seem shyer and shyer every time you come." She teased. He looked embarrassed but smiled a little knowing she wasn't serious.

She moved over and Ross sat down on top of the duvet, crossing his legs and fiddling with the sleeves of his sweater.

"Why were you reading messages when I told you to stop?" She asked him softly. Not looking at her, he continued to fiddle.

"Couldn't sleep.." He muttered, his eyes misty from crying.

She didn't say anything for a few minutes. "Sorry..." He whispered and she gently grabbed his arms.

He looked up at her as she rolled back his sleeves. On his wrists she could see faded scars from times she was too late to stop him. Luckily, no new ones. She rolled his sleeves down again and playfully ruffled his hair, deciding not to talk anymore considering it was early.

"What will it be today then? Surfing technique videos, concert footage, a cute movie or music?" She asked, picking up her laptop and closing the YouTube page she was looking it.

A small smile spread across his face, "a cute movie please."

"a cute movie it is!" she announced, clicking on Grease. Despite having seen it a million times, Ross climbed under the covers and put one of the earphones in his ear. Gabby put the other one in hers and put the laptop between them, before hitting play.

Ross began to watch, all the hate messages leaving his mind. For now anyway. He put one hand on his stomach and twiddled with his hair with the other. Slowly, his eye lids got heavier and heavier until he finally drifted off to sleep.

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