🍀 07

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"Thanks for dropping me off, Sh--"

"Y/N? "

The two turned to the voice, Hanma was there standing at the doorframe with his arms crossed.

"Oh and you, what's up, boyfriend. " Hanma referred to Shin and the raven could only frown, he wasn't scared at Hanma but still, one should know not to mess with this guy especially with his title.

"Uncle, Shin was just dropping me off. "

"I can see that, why don't you invite him in?"

"You're okay with that? " The two asked in unision their voice laced with evident hope and excitement.

"No." Hanma replied with a smile.

And just like that, Shin was left alone outside and Y/N was pulled by Hanma inside the house. She looked at him disapprovingly to her uncle however, the tall man could only smile at his neice.

"So, are you two finally dating? "

"What about you and that girl you went to the hotel with, uncle? You know? Tall , blonde, red lipstick and gorgeous. " She replied.

"I see, well your dinner is in the microwave, I'm going back to my room, lovely neice. " Hanma gleed and went upstairs to his room with a smirk.


Y/n woke up , her eyes snapping open when she heard shouting downstairs. Still wearing her panda onesie-- yeah. Childish , but who cares anyway?

Sometimes... Being told to act like your age is much more tiring than doing hundreds of tasks.

She stood up from her bed, her hair all messy, her eyes still half-asleep together with her soul.

However all of her sleepyness started to subside the moment the shoutings got louder the more she got closer down the living room and that's when she saw her father; yelling at her uncle for not saying anything about his daughter staying the night.

The moment her father whipped his head to her direction, he marched closer to her -- his anger evident through each step he took making Hanma place his hand on his brother's shoulder.

"She just woke up. "

"She's my daughter, don't tell me what to do. "

"She's my neice whom I took care of ever since she was seven years old. The last thing I want to see is you acting like her father now that she's at the age to finally go with your plan. "

'Plan..? '

Her father shot Hanma a glare. "Say whatever you want, brother. But in front of the law, your words mean nothing, she is mine. "

"The moment you left her ever since she was still seven years old already proves you had no interest in taking care of her and ten years later you suddenly want her back? She's a teenager, She's capable of making her own decisions and I doubt she wants to stay with you or inherit your foolish money."

Tears immediately rolled down her cheeks when she heard the words of her uncle. Not only did she felt touched that finally.. Someone was protecting her from her obnoxious manipulative father but also the fact she realized how much he actually cared for her.

She took a step closer to them and was about to take Hanma's hand but her father held her wrist taking both of them by surprise and just as Hanma was about to pull her back from his grasp. Men in black suddenly barged into his house making him alert.

"Let go-! " Hanma's eyes went wide when he got distracted. While the men were encircling him, his brother took the opportunity and dragged his neice outside and forced her in the black car as she kept thrashing from her father's tight grip on her wrist.

"Y/N-! " A punch was delivered in Hanma's gut but he quickly returned the blow on the man's jaw using his elbow when he bent down.

The men went alert, all they thought Hanma was just a man who had been taking care of their heiress for years, their boss never told them this was his brother and the other details. Wiping the blood off his chin, Hanma gave them a taunting smirk, the door of his house closed and that's when noises of bodies getting beaten up emitted from his home.

Meanwhile during the drive, Y/N was asleep. Her father had hit her nape earlier sharply which resulted her passing out. The driver wasn't saying anything-- afraid to upset their boss as the heiress was unconscious at the back seat.

The more he looked at her the more it reminded him of her mother, the boss' wife who had died ten years ago.. Y/n was exactly the cardboard copy of the madam.

"Stop looking at my daughter or I'm gauging your eyes out. "

The boss said and the driver immediately nodded, his eyes now focused on the road and not on the mirror.

After a long five hours, the car drove inside the huge mansion gates. The bodyguards immediately surrounded the vehicle, opening the door one man carried Y/n's sleeping body, all of their eyes going wide when they saw her ; the exact copy of their madam, just younger.

The man who carried  her bridal-style turned around and was about to carry her to her room but was stopped when a familiar man stood in front of him.

"Is this her? " He smirked and her father stepped out of the car before giving the man a nod.

"She looks just like--"

"Spit her mother's name out and I'm shooting you. Don't forget why I'm letting you marry my daughter, your wealth is nothing compared to mine. "

The man rolled his eyes, taking his fiance's body from the bodyguard and smirked at her beautiful face.

"So, when's the wedding? "

"Two days. "

"You don't like wasting time, huh? "

Her father scoffed and removed his black coat before walking past him with his daughter carried in her fiance's arms.

"Wasting time is like wasting money, I don't like talking. Make sure you and my daughter get along before the wedding or I'm dropping your marriage off with her, Tetta. "

The Ten Year Gap \\ 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙤 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now