Chapter 1

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Bowser had a long day in the mushroom kingdom, and he could use a change of pace. He remembered that one of his koopa had bought him a ticket to the newest attraction, swallow falls. 

This felt like the perfect escape for Bowser! Ever since he had changed his ways and turned to the good side, there's been a lot to do in mushroom kingdom. When boxer was evil, he caused a lot of damage, and now he's working to remedy that.

Bawseer packed a suitcase full of all of his favorite outfits, like his suit with no tie and no suit with a hawaiian shirt.

he trotted downstairs to see how his favorite butler, mega mind, was doing. 

"how was your night? i heard that your friends were in town,",  Browse asked mr mind. 

"Oh, yeah my buddy king henry VIII was in town for his honeymoon, i think this is the fifth or sixth wife." Mogo mind replied. 

"that sure is a lot of wives..and I can't even get one spouse.." mumbled bose speaker system.

 M.M. gave him a sympathetic look and reassured him, "don't worry boss man, you'll find someone! there's still hope for you, so don't dwell on it.".

Brow checked if he had everything one last time, and after seeing that his neon pink ultra glitter glow in the dark deluxe ugg hiking boots were indeed in the bag, he was off to the airport. 

He asked one of his koopa to hail him a taxi. the ride was long and quiet, but booze didn't mind, he was too busy day dreaming about his trip to swallow falls. what had felt like ten minutes had actually been thirty, and they were now at the airport. 

beanbag tipped the cabby generously and was off to catch his flight...

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Trouble in Paradise - King Bowser x Pillsbury Dough BoyWhere stories live. Discover now