The beginning of the light.

3 1 1

(This is written by my friend, slightly edited by me)

Place: Corn maze

Time: Midnight

Characters: May, Jake, ???, light, Mely.

Character status: May and Jake are friends, Mely and May have a crush on each other, Jake and Mely are ex's.

[May] Jake! Where are we!

[Jake] I don't know!!

[May] It looks like we're in a corn maze?

[Jake] DUH IDIOT/jk ,yeah.

[May] We should try and find a way out...

[Jake] Mhm.

*They hear a voice in the corn*

[???] Leave before it gets you......

[May] What???

[Jake] Who's there??

*The voice disappears into the maze*

[May] Wait!!


[Jake] I don't like any of this...

[May] Yeah...

*May and Jake see a light from a distance*

[May] What is that??

[Jake] I don't know?

*They hear some rustling in the corn

[May] Who's there??

[Mely] Hey, it's just me!

[May] Mely?!

[Mely] Hey... we need to get out of here

[May] What??

[Jake] Guys?

[May] Mely why are you even here???

[Mely] Its hard to explain But, We NEED to get out of here!!

[Jake] GUYS!!!


[Jake] The light is getting closer!

[Mely] Oh no...

[May] Mel what's wrong?

[Mely] We need to get out of here NOW!

*They hear some quiet stomping approaching*

[Jake] I'm going to go check it out

[Mely] DON'T!!!

*Jake leaves like a idiot*

[Mely] May, we need to get out of here please...

[May] Ok! But we need to wait for Jake!

*They hear Jake scream*

[May] Yeah he can find his way out later let's go

*They run through the corn-maze accidentally separating*

[May] Mely?

*May hears melts muffled screams*

[May] NO!!! MELY!

*Mely's screams stop as the light begins running after her in the maze*

Chapter 1 completed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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