Chapter 1

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My favourite time of the year has always been the annual Fire Parade. The lights, the fireworks, the excitement and joy. For one night every year an explosion of emotions and community are enslaved in all of us.

"Sara, you're too slow. I'll meet you at the peak. I don't want to miss the graduation." Shouted Parker, a few paces in front of me, hushed by the noise of fireworks and excitement surrounding us.
As I continued running, I reached out my arm, when two small sparks of fire emitted from my hand, and hovered above Parker's head before turning to ash.
"Very good Sara but that won't stop me." I heard Parker insist, however he had disappeared from my sight into the ocean of people who flooded the street to see the graduation parade.

I kept running trying to catch up with Parker, but being smaller than him it was harder to push through the crowds. The biggest firework yet engulfed the sky in front. A dragon, of all colours. The maker of the dragon must have been at least fourty years old to have the power to create such a big spectacle, and with the on going war, a fironian of that age was rare to come by.

As I looked up I saw the sparkies, that's what we called young Fironians, running and jumping from roof to roof. A faster way to travel for the young and excited. I was always too small to make the jumps and warned away by Parker. However, this year I felt bigger and stronger, and what Parker doesn't know can't hurt him. I pushed to the side of the crowd and found the closest fire escape to climb. I had faith in myself to finally be able to run with the sparkies, something I had always envied, but the fear still lingered.

Upon reaching the top I waited for a gap to join the flow of the Sparkies. As I took my chance I was knocked, falling backwards. Luckily I was caught by one of the Sparkies instead of falling back into the crowd. It was Hopper, one of Parker's friend.
"Sara what are you doing up here? You're lucky I caught you there. Parker would be so mad at you if he knew you were up here." He said whilst pulling me back onto my feet.
I shook his hands off me whilst replying " Well what he doesn't know can't hurt him can it Hopper. I just wanted to join in for once."
"We'll now you're up here take my hand, if anything happens to you Parker will kill me. Come on keep up."

I was reluctant to take Hoppers hand, wanting my independence, but he is right Parker will kill us both if something happens to me and I suppose just being up on the roof is a great first achievement. I took his hand and began running.
"Come on Sara, you have to run faster than that. And when I say jump you have to jump."
I ran faster, faster than I have ever ran and when Hopper shouted jump I jumped with him. Luckily, I landed on my feet and still managed to keep up with the flow of the Sparkies. Again Hopper told me to jump and I jumped. Landing on my feet a second time. I was proud of myself, finally I felt I was apart of the Sparkies, and happy that Hopper trusted me enough to let me run.
"Good job Sara, you've got this. I'm going to let go now I believe in you."
I wasn't prepared for this, my heart sank and fear over took me.
"I can't do it yet Hopper please give me your hand. Parker will kill you if he finds out."
"I trust you Sara, and like you said what Parker doesn't know can't hurt him." "Are you ready?" "Jump!"
I took a deep breath, and jumped for the third time, without Hopper to protect me. I landed.
"Wahoo. See I told you Sara, you can do it." Hopper exclaimed.
"You're lucky I landed that one Hopper."
"Ready, jump again."
I jumped again for the fourth time, more confident and landed that one too. Then I felt Hopper take my hand and pull me to the side.
"Come on this way to the peak." Hopper said.
I climbed the wall, and caught my breath.

There was Parker sat on the edge of the building with some of the other Sparkies. Whilst I was catching my breath Hopper ran to Parker.
"Has anyone seen my sister" I heard Parker ask.
I hoped that Hopper wouldn't tell Parker I had ran with the Sparkies, I know I'd be in big trouble, but Hopper was proud and if he could boast about an accomplishment he would.
"Well, she's over there. I bumped into Sara on the roof trying to run with the Sparkies." He laughed. "I nearly bumped her off the roof."
"What?.." Shouted Parker turning to me.
"You know you're not allowed to run with the Sparkies Sara, it's too dangerous."
"I'm sorry I just.." I stuttered in fear.
"She was brilliant Parker." Said Hopper whilst flicking a spark from his hand above Parker's head which turned to ash.
"Will you both stop that!" Parker said angrily. "Well I don't want to miss the graduation so I'll deal with you when I get home."
I sat down in between Parker and Hopper looking down at the city below.
"Thank you" I whispered to hopper who laughed and nodded with a smile.

After a while Parker seemed to have calmed down, put his arm around me and said, "you know I promised dad I'd take care of you, but I am proud of you."
"I know Parker." I said, resting my head on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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