Your Invitation

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Dear Valued Reader,

Consider this chapter your invitation to join me on the journey I'm embarking as I launch of my publishing company - House of King

Even though this is my first story posted on Wattpad, this is not my first book!

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Even though this is my first story posted on Wattpad, this is not my first book!

When I first published my stories I had no idea Wattpad existed and I don't think I would have pursued a writing career if I had simply because:

1) I was not that good of a writer 🙈

2) I would most likely not have finished writing that story

Pursuing the arts is no easy feat and the creator economy is no joke.

In the past, I got very discouraged seeing people doing better than me. People who were writing faster and better stories. They had mastered the craft and the game. Meanwhile, I was floundering. I won't even get into some of the reviews I received when I previously published circa 2016.

My ego and heart... bruised and broken.

The sheer frustration.... I now know why artists are at times suicidal.


Some people are really fucking great and its mind blowing.
Complete perfection.
I wonder if I can even...

Despite taking a long hiatus after suffering burn out, I luckily never left the circles of my author friends which is where I bumped into a post about this platform called Wattpad where you could post stories a chapter at a time and people would read them.


This was a foreign concept to me and a few weeks later I signed up and posted the first couple of chapters of Spellbound - an idea that had been rattling around my membrane for some time.

Wattpad thrives off of free content and depends on amateur writers using their platform. Other sites have taken note and preyed on this.

It has since come to my attention that there are mirror sites such as TeenFic that copy stories off what is posted on Wattpad without seeking author permission. There is no way to contact the site administrators to have your story taken down. The only course of action is to delete your story from Wattpad which will then be mirrored by

I have also noticed that Wattpad itself has a piracy problem

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I have also noticed that Wattpad itself has a piracy problem. There are users who are posting books from other authors onto the site such as Hunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton. There are also translations of other books I doubt the author has given permission for. The fact that they expressly state that the book is not theirs is mind boggling because it is still theft!

 The fact that they expressly state that the book is not theirs is mind boggling because it is still theft!

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Due to the above, I've decided to remove my book Spellbound from Wattpad in the coming months. I plan to publish the story on retailers and do not want nor need to be dealing with copyright issues.

It has been an amazing 2 years of sharing my story with you, but now that it is complete, I will no longer be posting original fiction on Wattpad.

I have since come to understand the platform and community for what it is and what it is not! I've found some great writers and wonderful stories as well as you my lovely readers! But, I want to work towards growing House of King - my own company. I will continue to post stories on Wattpad such as fanfics and previews of ideas that I have. However, I reserve the right as an author to protect my works and put my original fiction behind a paywall.

Having already published a handful of novels as an indie author and connecting with other writers has taught me a lot about this industry. It's not easy but your fans make it worth it. You don't need millions of them either, just a thousand true fans which is why I've set up my subscription to give you early access to stories such as Spellbound, bonus content, as well as other exclusive stories.

My subscription will be hosted on REAM which is similar to PATREON but geared towards authors. The app has it's own e-reader allowing for a seamless reading experience similar to that of Wattpad and the best part is... NO ADS!

I have 2 tiers set up where I'll be posting new chapters of CHARMED - Spellbound Book 2. Think of it as our weekly coffee date ☕ or wine night 🍷

The House of Spellman @ $5
The House of Mèrovèe @ $10

Thank you for taking the time to read this dark fantasy.
Thank you for your engagement and support in the form of likes and comments.
Thank you for placing this book on your shelf and sharing it with your friends.
Thank you for your patience in letting this story cook as I take the time to flesh out my ideas which meant not posting for weeks or even months at a time.

If you're looking for the most recent update of Brice & Soleil as well as new stories written by me, you can find me on REAM.

By following me and becoming a member of my community - The Lettermen - you become a part of House of King.

I hope to see you on the other side where you can continue on this rollercoster ride in CHARMED - Spellbound Book 2!

I hope to see you on the other side where you can continue on this rollercoster ride in CHARMED - Spellbound Book 2!

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Click the link on my profile for more info!


Spellbound [BWWM Original Fiction]Where stories live. Discover now