Hi. Some other writer's here are doing this, so why not. Anyway, if any of these quotes offend you or displease you, please let me know and I will not hesitate to take it down.


Maraly: If you disrespect me again, I'll eat your shower curtains.

Kalmar: I have glass doors...

Maraly: Well crunchity munchity then. You think that's gonna stop me?


Maraly, looking through her closet: Hmm, what should a change into?

Janner, behind the door: A better person


[At Janner and Sara's wedding]

Priest: Should anyone have a reason why these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Kalmar: *looks around*

Kalmar: Really? We're all just gonna let this happen?


Kalmar: I'm pretty sure there's more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good-looking. And I plan on finding out what that is.

________________________________________________________________________________Kalmar: Ah, sunsets sure are beautiful, aren't they Maraly?

Maraly: Yeah

Kalmar: Yeah, this is great, just the three of us here... you, me and this gigantic brick wall you've built up between us.


Sara: Actually, Kalmar showed great courage on this mission. He got injured in the line of duty.

Janner: He got clipped by a window sill. It's as pathetic as it sounds.


Janner, grabbing a guitar: I'm going to play y'all a little song

Janner: It's called 'My Life So Far'

Janner: *Takes a deep breath and plucks a chord*

Janner: *SCREAM*


Kalmar: I'm trying to think-

Janner: Don't overexert yourself, doing something for the first time can be difficult.


Nurse: Hello, is this Janner Wingfeather? Your brother-

Janner: Did Kalmar try to Tarzan swing down an alleyway again?

Nurse: Again?

Janner: I'm on my way.


Kalmar: *Gets down on one knee and holds up a small box*

Kalmar: Maraly, will you-

Maraly: If that's not a set of brass knuckles, the answer is no.

Kalmar: *Open's the box to reveal brass knuckles*

Kalmar: Do you think I'm an idiot?

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