Chapter 8- Following Breadcrumbs

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"KYB really doesn't want anyone finding out the truth..." Gaeul observes from a distance. The group had been heading to KYB Mechanic Repair, but were eventually stopped by a group of people blocking the road. They appeared to be journalists and news outlets trying to get a scoop. Because of this, they decided to go on foot and sneak around through the forest. What they slowly began to realize though was that the entire perimeter had been blocked with yellow tape saying 'do not enter' while guards patrolled next to them. From where they were, the girls could also see several trucks leaving from the scrap yard side.

"Can't we just fight our way in? They might've already taken all the evidence." Wonyoung says with Nako obviously concurring with the idea..

"No, girls. We have to be smart about this. They're obviously on to us., so we have to be discreet." Hitomi replies before waving her hand and causing an apple to drop on one of the sentry's heads.

"Yah, what was that?" The man groans while rubbing his head only to be struck by another falling fruit. He immediately looks up at the branches above him, and while he is distracted, Hitomi raises a root from the ground to trip him.

"Aish, that's it, I'm swapping with someone." He says in a frustrated tone before walking away to find his boss.

"Alright, move in now while no one's looking." The peach-cheeked girl says, prompting everyone to hop past the boundary and head into the remains of the warehouse.

"Spread out and look for any clues, whether they're about Yujin or the androids." Gaeul says as everyone begins to fan out. When they infiltrated the place two days ago, it had been dark within, but now, because of the explosions, sunlight was now beaming down through the non-existent roof.

"There has to be something here..." Wonyoung mutters to herself as she lifts up and moves scrap metal. The others did the same in their own ways. Gaeul would age debris to see what was under. Liz was phasing through everything to see if anything was too deeply buried. Nako was just using pure strength, lifting up broken cars and moving them like they were made of paper. Hitomi was using the roots in the ground to detect if anything had been buried near them. In the end though, it was Rei who found something first.

"Girls, this is a robot arm, right?" The Japanese girl asks as she magnetizes a chunk of metal that was impaled in one of the steel beams.

"Yeah, even if they're made to look like humans, underneath is still metal." Nako replies, pointing out the 'skin' that was supposed to cover the arm which had melted away, leaving exposed wires and circuits.

"We need to find a headpiece, so we can compare the serial codes. The rest of that robot must be close." Hitomi says, referring to the specimens they had received from JYP yesterday afternoon. The ones that attacked them were model 4, which meant they were more advanced than the ones the two Japanese girls had to fend off a week ago.

Rei focuses harder, sensing for a metal of similar composition to the one she'd just picked up until she feels something latch onto her like a fish to a hook. Slowly but sure, the Japanese girl pulls a humanoid head out from some of the rubble. It was an android alright.

"Model 3... that must mean these were versions they discontinued. The ones that attacked JYP were different." Gaeul says after reading the machine's label.

"Wait, so you're telling me we destroyed this place for nothing?" Liz asks, a feeling of sadness welling up in her. They did all that to destroy models that weren't even being produced anymore.

"No, not nothing. Even if these are weaker than the current models, they're still pretty strong. Destroying any of these tin cans is one less of them we have to fight in the future." Nako replies. On the inside though, the short girl knew this meant that they probably had an army of model 4 robots somewhere too. This warehouse was just a place to store the obsolete versions. Just as the group was about to discuss what to do next, a loud clang began to reverberate throughout the ruins.

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