dear diary

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Dear diary,
It's happened again. I have bruises on my arm. This wouldn't have happened if I had just moved schools.

That 1 incident just changed my life These five girls are a pain in my ass they won't leave me alone I just want to be free but all I do is hide in shadows and be invisible all I want to do is shine in the spotlight I Want to have friends I want to have the life of going out.

I'm nearly 17, so why can't I? Why can't I be like the other girls and be social why can't I stand up to the 5 girls why dosent anyone notice im in pain literal 4 girls saw me get bullied and didn't do anything.

Are they scared? Are they afraid that they'll have to be in shadows like me? Do they not want to be invisible? Why do they not want to be like me? Oh, I know it's because freedom is a girls number one priority. I get it. It was my number one as well till it happened.


Goodnight diary

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