𝘀𝗶𝘅𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻 , worth it

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UNDER THE WARMTH OF the bright may sun, riki and hari found themselves walking home together. the air carried a gentle breeze, a welcome relief from the touch of warmth that lingered under the sun's radiant embrace. riki, having discarded his rich navy-blue blazer, strolled in his crisp white shirt, the sleeves casually rolled up, embracing the casual comfort of the spring afternoon.

hari, her footsteps echoing alongside riki's, felt the soft caress of the breeze on her skin. strands of her hair, kissed by the wind's playful dance, framed her face like a fleeting portrait against the canvas of the expansive blue sky.

"feels like summer already, doesn't it?" riki mused, his carefree smile illuminated by the sun's benevolent rays.

hari nodded, her eyes squinting against the sunlight. "definitely. it's like may decided to fast-forward to the good part."

as they strolled, a leisurely exchange of words punctuated the tranquility. riki, with a contemplative look, voiced a sudden desire, "you know what i would really like right now?"

hari, curious, raised an eyebrow. "what?"

"ice cream," riki declared, a hint of enthusiasm brightening his eyes.

a playful smile tugged at hari's lips. "ice cream does sound nice..." she admitted, the prospect of a cool treat aligning perfectly with the warmth of the afternoon.

riki grinned, capturing the playful energy of the moment. "great minds think alike. what about that ice cream parlor we used to go to as kids?"

hari's eyes lit up with nostalgic warmth. "you mean the one with the rainbow-colored awning? it's been ages since we've been there."

riki nodded, "exactly! let's take a trip down memory lane and grab some ice cream there."

in the spirited impromptu decision, riki's fingers gently interlaced with hari's, creating an unspoken promise to venture into the shared nostalgia of their past. their pace quickened, their steps aligning seamlessly as if propelled by the effervescence of a bygone friendship rekindled beneath the azure sky.

the resonance of their laughter became a melody of familiarity, echoing through the sunlit streets as they navigated the familiar route to the ice cream parlor. the world around them seemed to fade into a backdrop, and in that moment, it was as if time had cradled them in the simplicity of cherished memories.

the old oak tree, where they once carved their initials in a declaration of eternal friendship, stood as a silent witness to the passage of years. the corner store, where they had indulged in secret late-night snacks, evoked a playful smile from both.

passing by the parking lot of a grocery store, a flood of memories surged. it was the place where both sets of parents had unwittingly left them to their own devices, a forgotten interlude that turned into a night of childhood adventures. they played tag, the emptiness of the vast parking lot transforming into a playground just for them until the worried voices of their parents disrupted the impromptu escapade.

finally, the ice cream parlor emerged in the distance, its rainbow-colored awning a beacon of nostalgia.

"last one there's got the tab!" riki called out, a smirk playing on his lips as he darted ahead.

caught off guard, hari blinked for a moment, her surprise turning into a burst of laughter. "hey, no fair!" she exclaimed, immediately joining the impromptu race.

the sun-drenched pavement beneath their feet seemed to amplify the urgency of their playful competition. the vibrant storefront of the ice cream parlor beckoned, its rainbow-colored awning casting a kaleidoscope of memories onto the sidewalk.

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