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To Francesca (AGAIN),
cause girl I swear to God
your life IS a Wattpad story!

When Carol suggested going ice skating, I immediately accepted. I found that activity rather fun and pleasant. Plus, Val was pretty bad at it, so it would make it even more amusing. I wasn't very good, but I could manage for a few hours. As I was getting ready, I couldn't help but think about the fact that I hadn't seen Carol nor Val since the school event. They'd definitely ask questions. Questions that I won't want to answer. I shook my head, pushing the thoughts away, and finished getting ready.

It's been almost two weeks since the school event, and she's the only thing I've been able to think about. I can't get her out of my mind. Her eyes, her smile, her hand in my... "For fuck's sake, Maria. Get a grip" I mumbled to myself, heading towards my car. I tried to not be too distracted while I was driving, which obviously wasn't an easy task. Hopefully, the cold air inside the ice rink will make it easier, I thought to myself.

"Hey there, blondie" I called out, catching Carol's attention. She was waiting alone near the entrance of the building.

"Maria!" she happily rushed towards me. "I have tea to spill, like burning hot tea" she whisper-yelled as she grabbed my shoulders, and excitedly shook my body.

"Geez, calm down. What happened?" I asked, curious to find out what she was on about.

"Remember the school event? Well, I ran into Maximoff at the supermarket the other day, you will never believe what she told me!" she was now clearly and loudly speaking, making a few heads around us turn in our direction.

"Alright, spill. And please, stop screaming at my face" I mimicked her movements, placed my hands on her shoulders and shook, earning a laugh.

"Okay, sorry" she apologised, and stepped back a little. "From what I heard, Romanoff slept with one of the former students after the gathering" she let out, I could see on her face how excited she was about this "rumour".

"Wha- what?" I stuttered. How could Maximoff possibly know? And why the hell would she tell Carol?

"I know right? It's crazy" she added. Thank God, Val appeared in the distance, making the conversation stop.

We walked in, bought a ticket, got our skates and headed towards the rink. The first few steps were... challenging. Val fell as soon as she placed a foot on the ice. I tried my hardest to not laugh as I helped her to get back on her feet. She kept on falling at first, but after 15 minutes she got a hang of it.

"So, back to what I was saying" Carol spoke. I knew she wouldn't let it go. I mean, if I were her, I'd want to know too. "Who do you think it was?" she asked, wiggling her brows like an idiot.

"I think it was a girl" Val said, earning an agreeing look from Carol.

"Wasn't she with a man?" I questioned, trying to lead them in the opposite way. We all knew Romanoff had a boyfriend when she was our teacher, because he would send her flowers and have them delivered during class.

"Oh, come on, Maria! She's so gay" Carol sighed, rolling her eyes at me.

"I mean, as much as I respect her boyfriend, husband or whatever, the closet is made of glass" Val chuckled, agreeing with Carol. I didn't say anything, scared that somehow the words leaving my mouth would help them figure it out.

"Look" Carol chuckled, nudging Val's side. "Maria's jealous" she burst into laugh, quickly followed by Val.

"I am not jea-" I was cut off mid-sentence as the person in front of me started falling. I caught them just in time.

𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐌𝐄 𝐁𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍, Marvel one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now