𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓾𝓬𝓴𝔂 𝓞𝓾𝓽𝓭𝓸𝓸𝓻𝓼

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----- Y/N'S POV

Chris is standing around in the cafeteria, watching his interns set up lighting and cameras and stuff. Meanwhile, I sit back and watch the others talk about whatever. "What do you think the challenge is gonna be today? I'm SOO excited!" Sadie asks the team. "I don't think it'll be anything special. It might just be some lame eating contest or something, since I saw Chris already running out of ideas earlier." Courtney replies, eating her breakfast. "You really think it'll be that tame? I think it'll be a fight to the death!!" I say, pretending there's a knife in my hand. "..Well, almost. I doubt that'll pass TV laws 'n stuff." I add on. 

"Pft, as if. Chris isn't THAT evil." Bridgette giggles. "Well, you never know! He could just be tame for the first couple episodes.. then BAM! Actual fight to the death!" Geoff says, which makes Bridgette laugh harder. "Alright campers! It is time for your next challenge. For this one, you just may not come back alive." Some of us gasp. "I TOLD you Brie!" I say to her in a shocked tone. "I think I need to start remembering never to underestimate you." She replies.

"Pftt, just kidding! All you have to do is spend a night in the woods. Everything you need is at your team's campsite. The real challenge here is to watch out for the bears, lost a new interns while getting all those supplies to the forest, heh." He chuckles, but just makes things a bit awkward. "Ahem. ANYWAYS.. Once you hear an airhorn go off later tonight, that is your que to run in there! First team back wins immunity." Chris continues. "So what, our challenge is just a couple bears and camping? LAMEEE." Duncan rolls his eyes. "Yeah, I don't think we'll lose this time. I am putting my faith in our team tonight, and I will not like any of you ever again if you somehow mess this up." Courtney blatantly says, not caring to sugarcoat. "Well, that's a bit rude." Brie looks at her half-lidded. "As if anything would change with how I feel about you, violin murderer." Courtney glares at her. "Oh COME ON, I already told you it was an accident you dumb fat whor-" "Come on, you two. Second time we've seen two girls almost fight, and the second time it was Courtney's fault. Chill out, girl." Chris warns the two, who cross their arms and look away. 


The campfire roars a bit as we sit around it, waiting for Chris to sound the airhorn. I sit by my team, and the other team sits on the other side. None of us are really talking, so I listen to the other teams conversation. Does that make me nosy? God I hope not.

"Uegh.. I don't wanna be anywhere NEAR a bear." Leshawna shivers a bit. "I had an encounter with a bear once, his head looks REAL good on my wall." Owen said calmly. "OOO!! One time, I saw a bear eating out of the garbage! He had gross, old spaghetti noodles hanging from his MOUTH! It looked SOOO gorey, I almost mistook it for intestines." Izzy said, strangely very excited to tell the story. 

Noah noticed me listening in, and pulled me into the conversation. "Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Wacko over here turned out to be some serial killer." He rolled his eyes, and I giggled a bit. "My mom thought he was eating the neighbor's cat, Simba, but it turned out he was just missing. I think he's still alive." Izzy continued, and Lindsay gagged a bit. "Ohhh, you didn't eat spaghetti earlier, did you?" Izzy looked at her in concern, and Lindsay covered her mouth. 

Chris sounded the airhorn, and right after that, Courtney grabbed my arm and dragged me into the woods. 


"Hey look guys, blueberries!" Cody looks at some bushes. "That reminded me of this one time where I thought I found raspberries, but instead they were super poisonous. I went to the hospital not even an hour later." Izzy said. "Don't be scaring us like that, what if we run into those types of berries?" Leshawna looks at her with a very scared look. Slowly, they left Cody behind as he ate the berries. He looks around, finding no one in sight. "Uh.. Hello? Anyone?" 

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