Prologue: Lin Ming

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Lin Ming stood next to the idling car. In a few hours she'd be on a plane to the United States where she'd go to school as an exchange student, but right now she could only listen with her head bowed and her hands clasped in front of her as her father spoke.

She was a beautiful young woman by any objective standard. Eighteen years old and petite and slender, she was five feet even and maybe 95 pounds soaking wet. Her body was well taken-care of, thanks in no small part to the strict regimen of diet and exercise her father made her follow all her life. Her rear was heart-shaped and seemed made for clutching, though the modest knee-length pleated skirt she wore helped to conceal it. Likewise, her small but perky A-cup breasts were concealed beneath a loose-fitting red cardigan sweater. Lustrous black hair fell to the small of her back.

Lin Ming didn't raise her eyes to look at her father. He hated it when she did that. To look at him while he was talking was a sign of great disrespect. It was a pity, really, since her eyes were just as pretty as the rest of her. They were soft and dark, the color of rich chocolate, and they were filled with the shy innocence of a gentle fawn.

"You will listen to me," her father growled, jabbing a finger down at her for emphasis. Unlike Lin Ming, her father was very tall and strong. Even without his stern temperament, uncompromising strictness and relentless demand for control, his size alone would have made him intimidating. Lin Ming bit her lip and nodded, a single jerk of her head so he would know she was listening.

"If it were up to me, you would not leave this house at all until the day you were married," he growled. "Unfortunately, and no matter how much I do not wish to admit it, a diploma from an American school would be of use to you in your future prospects. That is the only reason I am allowing you to do this. It is unseemly, a young unmarried woman venturing so far from home, surrounded by barbaric foreigners." His lip curled with disgust. "I do not like Americans. I do not like them or their country. They are a decadent, hedonistic people who accomplish nothing. They are the lowest of all foreigners, deserving only of our contempt."

Lin Ming knew what she was expected to say. "...Yes, Father." But inwardly, she could not help a disobedient thought from flashing through her mind. I have read their histories. The Americans conquered a continent and rose to become a superpower in less than three centuries. That is less time than some of the dynasties in our own country's history ruled. How could the Americans accomplish that if they are incapable of achieving anything?

"You are to have as little to do with them as possible while you are attending school there, do you understand me? I will be most displeased if you return here having been corrupted by their inferior culture. You will not speak to them or engage with them in any way whatsoever beyond the bare minimum required to receive your diploma. You will not make friends with Americans, and you certainly will not become..." His voice thickened with rage at the very word. "...Romantically involved with any of them. If I discover that you are even talking to American boys, you will be severely punished."

"...Yes, Father." Her voice was a whisper. But what if I am to have an American roommate? What shall I do then? The question was probably better left unasked. Lin knew from bitter experience that it was usually better to remain silent than try to speak when her father was talking.

"You are not to venture off-campus unless absolutely necessary, and I have placed a tracker on your phone so I will know where you are at all times. I have also installed surveillance software on your laptop, so I will also know every single website you visit. If I discover that you are venturing out of your dormitory without my authorization or accessing unapproved websites, you will be severely punished."

"...Yes, Father." Do you not trust me at all? Lin thought with a pang of hurt. I am a good girl. I have always been a good girl for you. Surely you know I would never access anything of which you would not approve.

"You are not to buy any clothes from American stores. American fashion for women is extremely immodest, which does not surprise me as American girls are all sluts. I will not allow you to start dressing in such a way that displays your body to the gazes of lustful men. You are to send me a text message every morning before you leave your room showing me what you will be wearing that day. If I do not approve, you are to wear something else. If you violate this rule, you will be severely punished."

"...Yes, Father." Lin blinked back tears. Truly, he has no confidence, no trust in me whatsoever. I seek only to please him, but he treats me as though I am a prisoner, and he my warden.

"You will maintain a grade point average of 4.0 every semester. You will graduate at or near the top of your class, and in so doing bring honor to your family and your homeland. You represent our entire nation while you are overseas. If you say or do anything to embarrass or shame us, you will be severely punished. If you fail to maintain the grade point average I have stated, you will be severely punished. I will be watching you and I will know if you step out of line in any way. You may be an ocean away from us, but make no mistake, Lin Ming: you will be watched, monitored, and judged at all times."

"...Yes, Father. It w-will be as you say."

"Of course it will," he snapped gruffly. "I have commanded it. I am head of this household, and my word is law. Now get in the car. You will be late for your flight if you keep standing there any longer."

Without another word, he turned on his heel and stalked into the house. The man slammed the door behind him so hard it made the entire house shudder.

There were no hugs. No tender goodbyes. No words of love, encouragement or fondness.

Lin Ming closed her eyes, willing herself not to cry. She wanted only to make her father proud of her and earn his approval, but as always, it was not forthcoming. Would she ever be good enough? Modest enough? Successful enough?

The only thing she could think to do was try harder. She vowed to do just that when she arrived in the United States.

Lin Ming got in the car and shut the door.

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