Twelve, Getting Stabbed In The Back

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( the kardashians + instagram )

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( the kardashians + instagram )



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THINGS HAD BEEN...quiet in Kim's household. A bit too quiet considering she had a 5 kids who were usually running around doing their own thing. This had been a pattern for as long as she had known, whatever mood Maeby was in always seemed to trickle down to her siblings. If she was annoyed, they knew to stay far, far away from her bedroom. If she was happy, they knew she was more prone to showering them with attention. As strange as it was, Kim had gotten used to it.

But this time, it was different.

Maeby had been holed up in her room all week. It was times like this that Kim understood why her mother got as emotional as she did whenever her or her sisters were upset.

Speaking of her sisters, they were all seated in her kitchen with their mother trying to figure out what to do.

KIM CONFESSIONAL: It's been a really wild week for everyone. Maeby has...refused to talk to production. She won't speak to me, she won't talk to my mom and we tell each other everything.

"I just can't believe that all of this is coming from Ophelia," Kylie spoke up. With her being the youngest, she was easily the closest to the girls of CLOUD9 because they all had grown up together.

KYLIE CONFESSIONAL: Truthfully, this whole situation reminds me of Jordyn. I mean we've known Ophelia for such a long time...from dolls to social media drama it's all a bit much.

"It's pretty much taken everything in me not to publicly say something. I don't want it to seem like we're all just coming down on her," Kim sighed, already thinking about the social media comments.

"After what she said about Maeby?" Kris Jenner countered. "She'll be lucky to get a little social media post, and not a cease and desist." It had taken Kim awhile to get her mother to agree not to pursue legal action against Ophelia, at least not yet.

KIM CONFESSIONAL: Ophelia was like a daughter to me, Flora too. I think we all feel a sense of betrayal. Maeby especially, I mean, you don't spend this long being friends with each other and not feel some type of hurt after something like this.

"I think we should all stop tip toeing around this whole thing," Kendall finally spoke up from beside Kylie , the camera zoomed in. "Their fans might be going crazy over the group breaking up but I think everyone is a lot more focused on the conversation surrounding Maeby and her...sexuality."

Kendall was cautious in her approach, she didn't necessarily want to force the conversation to happen but she had seen things on social media as well and ultimately knew what questions the people wanted an answer to.

"But is that really a conversation we should be having without Maeby?" Khloe pointed out.

KHLOE CONFESSIONAL: I like to think I look out for the best interest of the children. I think if Maeby or any of the kids ever wanted to have a conversation of that nature, it should be done on their own timing.

"Between you and Kanye, do you really think there's anything stopping Maeby from talking to you about that?" The camera shifted from Kim to Kris.

"Maeby can talk to me about anything," Kim replied with a bit of bite to her tone. "And she knows that."

"But does she?" Kourtney asked.

"Maeby knows she can talk to any of us. It's just a matter of if she wants to."

KOURTNEY CONFESSIONAL: It's the 21st century and Kim's acting all crazy over the idea of Maeby coming out, I don't think it's that big of a deal.

"I think as much as I want to protect them from social media, especially now with North and TikTok and all of that I just think that Maeby has just always been that one I couldn't really protect from all of that."

KIM CONFESSIONAL: I had Maeby when I myself was in a really vulnerable space. So when I watch her get emotional and worked up the way she does, I see so much of myself. I've never said it out loud, but I do feel like in some ways I've failed to protect Maeby. From all the blogs, and the tabloids, and now with social media. I mean, how do you prepare your daughter for getting stabbed in the back?


kimkardashian 20h ago.


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