Chap-30 "The fight"

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Tae: show me the ring.

Jisoo: I....

Tae: what?? Where did you keep it??

Jisoo: ah....It's....


Tae's Dad: I don't want him to know about his dad's condition that poor boy has already been through alot I don't want him to suffer more.

Jisoo: I understand.

Dad: so promise me.

Jisoo: I....promise.

*Back to present*

Jisoo's pov: I can't tell him I promised his dad.

Jisoo: actually it's not with me now but don't worry it's safe.

*saying that she smiled*

Tae: What do you mean it's not with you now?? Did you loose it!!!

Jisoo: no no I didn't.

Tae: then why don't you show it to me??

Jisoo: yaa I told you It's safe why make a fuss about a ring??

Tae: a ring it's not any ring It's my Mom's engagement ring Which you told me you will keep it safe.

Jisoo: I'm keeping it safe.

Tae: then where is it?? TELL ME THE TRUTH KIM JISOO!!

*Tae shouted making jisoo flinch*

Jisoo: ya...yaa why are you shouting!!

Tae: what do I do then your testing my patience!!!

Jisoo: I said the ring is safe!!!

Tae: now I doubt you i'm sure you lost it and making excuses to cover it.

Jisoo: no...I..

Tae's: I thought you were different from those rich girls who only care about money but you proved me are also a rich spoiled brat!!!

Jisoo's pov: those words directly hit my heart like an arrow. It didn't hurt when people used to call me that but he....his words broke my heart into millions of pieces...........

Tae: all that I thought about you was a lie, you are no different.

*jisoo wasn't able to speak anything*

Tae: all you care is just the inheritance you never cared about peoples emotions. Your mom and dad are so happy about your wedding but what will they feel when thier daughter fooled them just to get the will.

Jisoo: stop....

Tae: I wish I never met you. I don't know why I fell for you. I hate myself for giving my mom's precious ring to you..... 

*jisoo's eyes were filled with tears*

Tae: why in the world did I agree to be your fake fiance!!

Jisoo: you don't have to anymore....

Tae: what??

Jisoo: you don't have to act as my fake fiance anymore, I guess it's true that people tell the truth when they are angry. I'm sorry I made you feel like that........

*tae was silent*

Jisoo: let's break our fake relationship from now on you don't have to act as my fake fiance anymore. your free now.

*saying that she went into tae's room and started packing her luggage*

Tae didn't utter a word and was standing in the hall, he wanted to stop her but his anger was over powering his love for jisoo.

*after 10 mins jisoo came out of the room with her suitcase*

Jisoo: thank you for helping me and here is some money for the rent.

Tae: I don't want it.

*jisoo grabs tae's hand and places the envelope in his hand and marched out of the house*

*at jisoo's home*

Mom: what happened honey why did you call me??

Dad: I'm planning to give jisoo a mansion for her wedding.

Mom: really she will be so happy.

Dad: after the marriage they can move in with Tae's mom That's my wedding gift to my daughter.

Mom: aww your so sweet. Also what about the will have you decided anything??

Dad: I'm finalizing it. I will announce the KIM's heir or heiress after a week of jisoo's wedding.

Mom: that's great I'm excited to know who it will be.

Dad: It's a secret.

*At Jenkai's  home*

Door bell rings...

Jennie: who can it be at this hour??

Kai: It's already 9:00 pm.

Jennie: I will go check.

Kai: okay.

*she went to the door and opened it*

Jennie: soo??

Kai: jisoo??

*jisoo was standing on the door step all wet due to rain and she was a crying mess*

Jennie: what happened??

Jisoo: wo..won't in??

*she shivered*

Jennie: come inside.

*she took her in*

Jennie: what happened??

Jisoo: I will never go back to that jerk!!

Kai: what?? What did he do??

Jisoo: jen can I stay here for few days I can't go home now Pleaseeee.....

Jennie: sure soo.

*come let me take you to the room*

*after 30 mins jennie came down*

Kai: did she tell the reason??

Jennie: no she was crying so I didn't ask.

Kai: what did he do to my sister I will kick his a*s.

Jennie: don't jump to conclusions before knowing the situation.

Kai: what is she doing ??

Jennie: she is sleeping now, I will talk to her once she's awake tomorrow.

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