The Designer!

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"You can now work here!"
The producer said!
You are a designer and now you are just allow to be exo's designer! You are very happy and excited!! you just got a chance to see them!
Their producer told you to start your work from tomorrow morning and now you are going home! You live alone in korea! Your parents had problems to come so they send you to work here! You went to bed and were just thinking of exo all the time!

Next morning you went there! You wore a jeans with white all stars and a white wide shirt!
"Hello! Come! Let me introduce you to boys!"
The producer said and you both to designers' room!
"Boys! She is your new designer! Listen to her! Okay!?"
"Okay....hello by the way!"
Chen answered!
"You are nice!"
Lay said!
"Ey guys!! Don't make her blush! Welcome honey!"
Xiumin said!
You said hello with smiling! Suddenly a man designer came to you and were telling you to what to do with exo! "Ok! Ok! Thanks!" You said!
"Good!" He said while putting his hand on your shoulder and he went! "So....who should I make first?!" You asked!
"Me! Me!!! Noo! me!!"
All of them were saying together! You laughed!
"Guys!! I will go first!"
Chanyeol said and went to you but suddenly Baekhyun took his shirt from back and pulled him!
"No no! I will!" Baek said!
You were laughing and excited too!! Finally after 10 minutes argue xiumin came first! He sat on chair infront of mirror! You picked up the make up things and went to his face! You blushed! He looked at you and smirked!
"Your face is so cute! You are blushing, right?!"
He said!
"No no! I'm ok!" You said with smiling!
You were making up his lips and eyes! Then he stood up and gave him the clothes which that man designer told you! He came out from room! He was so hot and cute!!! You were excited like you wanna hug him!! He looked at you and winked!
"Thank you!" He whispered on your ear while passing you! Other boys came and done!

You were sitting infront the tv of designer room to see exo on stage! When they wanted to go on stage, xiumin appeard next to you!
"Omg! You scared me!"
You said!
"hahahha" he laughed!
"Go on stage! It will be late!"
"Don't worry I just wanted to say that there is a paper in your pocket! Check it out!" He said and went!
You were thinking that you had nothing in your pocket so what is he saying!!? You put your hand in it and yes! There was! It was written

"my number! Call me whenever you want ;) ~xiumin"

you became so excited that were screaming with no sound! Hahahha

Next morning you woke up by your phone ringing!
You said in sleepy tone! It was xiumin!!!!
"Oh hii! It's xiumin! Were you asleep?! Hahahha"
he said!
"Me?!? No !!!! I was awake!"
"Hahaha okay! By the way, what is my noona's name?!"
"Noonaaa!?!!??" You asked Shockley! He just laughed!
"Em...I'm (y/n)!"
"Nice name!"
"So....are you free tonight?!" "Yea...why?!"
"I just wanted that if you want we can go to café or restaurant together!" "Yea sure!"
"Ok good! I will text you the address! See ya"
You was so excited!!!! Xiumin!!!!YAYY!!

You wore your clothes and went to the address that xiumin sent you! You were looking for xiumin in restaurant that you heard a voice whispering in your ear
"hello nooni!"
You turned and saw xiumin!
"You scared me again!!!"
You said! He laughed! You both went to a table and sat in front of each other!
"So...what's up?! How are boys?!"
You asked!
"They are are you!?"
He answered!
"Good thanks"
"can I help you?" The waiter said! "Oh yes! What do you eat?!" Xiumin asked!
"Two pastas please!"
"You eat pasta too?!" You asked!
"Yea! I wanna eat what you eat to know your style!" He said and stared at you!
"Stop looking at me!" You said!
"You are beautiful!"
"Thanks!..." you said with blushing! The waiter came with food!
"Have a nice dish!" He said and went! You both were eating!

After 20 minutes eating and talking to each other, xiumin's phone ranged! "Hello?!" He picked up!
"Oh! Okay! I will come! Ok! Heyy!! Hahahaha! Ok bye!" He hanged up!
"It was luhan! He said he needs me!" "Oh! Ok! Thanks alot for dinner xiumin!" Xiumin stood up and came to you suddenly so quickly he kissed your cheek!!!
"Welcome! See ya!" He said with winking and went!

Next day ,when you wanted to go to work, you saw a massage from producer! it was written

"dear (y/n)! Today boys are having fun! Don't need to come! take a rest! Bye!"

You was kinda happy for not going to work and unhappy for not seeing xiumin! through the day you ate, slept, took a shower, watched tv and.... you were bored! You were sitting on sofa and decided to text xiumin! Suddenly you saw a message from xiumin! Haha!

"Hello (y/n)! Do you wanna watch a film?!" He texted you!
"Yea sure!" You answered!
" my house or yours?!"
"You come! See ya!"
"Byee" after texting you went to wear a good clothes!

after 20 minutes someone knocked the door! You opened and it was xiumin!
"Hello sweety!" And you huged each other! Then you realised what have you both done!
"Oh sorry! Come in!" You said with blushing! He laughed!
"So what film?!" You asked while you both were sitting on sofa!
"What about twilight?!" He asked! You have heard alot of that but never seen it!
"Ok!" You accepted! He sat next to you on sofa while his hand is around your waist and your head on his chest!
"Do you like this?!" You asked!
"I like it alot!" He said and played with your hair!
You were watching and watching! It was going to finish that a kiss scene came! You were blushing like hell that you sat straight!! Xiumin undrestood and pulled you to himself!
You both were looking at each other's eyes! You were blushing and Xiumin was smirking! He came closer and could feel his breath!! Oh my goodness!! You closed your eyes! His lips were coming so slowly! At the first Your lips were touching a little but then he came and pecked them up!
Suddenly you heard his voice whispering in your ear while your eyes are closed "will you be mine?!".

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