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Her eyes flutterring open, she sat up from the familiar bed. Her blue eyes roaming around the cream coloured walls and that's when her system woke up. Her eyes narrowed and she removed the sheets from her body, standing up from the bed. She held the knob and twisted it open as she was about to make a run for it, she bumped into someone a lot taller than her.

Her blue hurs  reflecting with grey ones, she parted her lips and asked all the while clenching her fists tightly.

"And who are you? "

"Well good morning to you too, my dear fiance."

Her eyes went wide and she froze. The sight of her shocked face only made the man smirk even more, she was indeed the cardboard copy of [M/N] ,Qxnaies. The color of the hair, her blue hues , her pale skin and even the way she speaks , if one were to make the two face each other it'd be like watching one person facing a mirror instead.

"Fiance?! " She snapped taking him by susprise and he nodded before cupping a hand to her jaw, bringing her head up and he looked straight into her orbs.

"Yes, and we're getting married in two days. Can't say I'm not looking forward to it, why? Your father didn't tell you about it? "

The way her jaw clenched only ignited his desire for her and he supressed saying further more together with the urge to smirk.

"I'm not marrying a snob like you. "

"Rude, this is just our first encounter and you already assume I'm like that? "

"Forgive me for not feeling guilty nor sorry about what I said. " She put on a taunting smirk making his disappear.

"Shinichiro Sano.. " He began making her stop.

She put her head down, clenching her fists tightly and she grit her teeth. "What about him?"

"Hmm.. I'll tell you but, I don't want to ruin our engagement. "

She clicked her tongue, looking up and she gripped him by the collar , bringing him down to her height and she narrowed her eyes at him in a threatening manner.

"Whatever happens to him-- I won't be responsible for my actions if I let my anger out on you. State your name. "

"Kisaki Tetta, lovely princess and.. " He smirked and slapped her across the cheek and his smile disappeared, Kisaki didn't like people looking down on him and this girl somehow had this authorative aura around her making him somewhat small despite him being taller.

"Do not treat your fiance is such way. " He spoke coldly.

"In such way? Like what? Ahhh.. Now I know what's your problem. " She smirked at him.

She pointed a finger at him and tilt her head to the side.

"You're a scumbag, hungry for money and power. My father has everything you want so you negotitated with him to marry me but.. What exactly is your worth? I bet I can buy your house ten times the price by my own net wortt as the Qxnaies' one and only heiress. "

Kisaki's vein snapped. He pulled her this time by the collar and attempted to throw a punch at her jaw but stopped when a familiar voice interrupted their heated moment.

"I don't care what you to do but save it after the wedding-- whether it's a fight, I don't want you two looking beat up or something else.. "

She whipped her head to her father's direction and despite his warning, she still took the advantage of Kisaki being distracted and threw an elbow at his chest making him cough harshly and kneel down.

"Y/N-! "

"Fuck off! " She snapped and marched down the large halls only to be stopped by her father who pulled her by her arm.

"You stubborn sh--! Where are you going, huh?! Back to your uncle?! "

"He's much better than you, you scumbag of a father! "

The two looked at eachother-- eyes evident in anger, Y/N's father didn't like looking at her cause it felt like it was looking at his dead loyal wife.

She ruthlessly pulled her arm back from his grip before proceeding to talk.

"I'm warning you, Mr. Qxnaies. If you force me to marry that scumbag, do not invite too many people. "

And with that, she turned around and proceed to walk away. Kisaki who was grunting from the pain she cause, went to the boss and spoke.

"Your daughter is stubborn, Mr. Qxnaies. "

"At this point, the chance of you and her getting alone is slim.. "

Kisaki chuckled and smirked looking at her leaving figure.

"I don't think so... You forced her here, right? What if we force her to accept me too? "

Her father looked at Kisaki with an interested look.


Smirking, Kisaki stood up straight and adjusted his glasses.

"Do you know Shinichiro Sano? "


"Y/N has been.. " Shinichiro; Now sitting on one of Hanma's couch as he looked at him treating his own wounds from the fight earlier.

Hanma sighed and closed the first aid kid before throwing a cigarette stick to Shinichiro and lighting his before putting it between his lips.

"This isn't looking good. Y/N can fight, I know that. I trained her but I don't think fighting even can be an option to her now, she should just follow until then.. "

Hanma was talking but Shinichiro wasn't listening, his mind was preoccupied with the thoughts what and what could happen to his lover. Clenching his fist, he stood up from the couch and left Hanma's house, ignoring his cal for his name.

Hopping inside Shin's car, he  was about to step on it when Hanma got inside too making Shinichiro look at him.


"YOU'RE fucking insane if you think barging in their mansion is gonna be easy! Don't rush plans--"

"Y/N is in fucking danger! Should I even take my time talking to you!? Who knows what could they be doing to her now! "

"You think I don't know that?! She's my fucking neice! "

The two let silence drown their conversation and Hanma sighed, leaning on the seat with his head throw aback.

"We'll plan tonight, leave tomorrow. "

"Plan now, leave later. "

"I'm not changing my plans, Sano. You're naive to think the Qxnaies are easy to take down. "

Shinichiro gripped on the steering wheel tightly before looking at Hanma.

"I don't plan on taking that damned family down, I only want my girl back. "

Hanma's just looked at him, he didn't know if he should be impressed by his strong statement or mock his naivety for looking down on the situation. Instead he grinned and chuckled before taking another cig.

"Well then.. We have a plan already, step on it. If you cry during the fight I'm gonna have to marry your sister. "

"What the fuck? "

"Step on it, I was just kidding. Kids aren't my type. "

The Ten Years Gap \\ 𝗦. 𝗦𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗼Where stories live. Discover now