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Your name: (Name) (l/n)
Hair: (h/l),(h/c)
Likes: Flowers, Nature, and (insert your likes)
Dislikes:(insert your dislikes)

Background: You are closely associated with the uppermoons and Muzan. You are extremely old yet you look very young like your 16 or somethin. You are loved by everyone due to your kind and cheery personality. You are also close to Rui.

By the way you are in the arc where Tanjiro cuts Rui's head off. Also for anyone who is still watching demon slayer and is not at the mt.natagumo part, I suggest to not read this as it will show spoilers.

(Important A/n: This is my first book so please don't judge me if the books crappy ;-;. Also I might not update that much because I will either forget about the book's existence or I'm to busy to write ;-;)

!warning! There is (might be) bad things in this story so if you dislike any violence, feel free to leave

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