Chapter 4~defence against the dark arts

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I had met up with Cassie early that morning to have breakfast together but I still hadn't told Cassie like I told Mattheo I would, I didn't even mention it we just walked to our lessons together like we always did

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I had met up with Cassie early that morning to have breakfast together but I still hadn't told Cassie like I told Mattheo I would, I didn't even mention it we just walked to our lessons together like we always did.

But all I could think about was Mattheo, the way he looked at me and kisses me, the way he made me feel so much pleasure and how he walked back to my common room.

I was very confused on the way I was feeling I couldn't get him out of my mind, I had never felt like this about anyone before not even my ex boyfriend Cody and it was weird to know I felt like this about my best friends brother.

I was very confused on the way I was feeling I couldn't get him out of my mind, I had never felt like this about anyone before not even my ex boyfriend Cody and it was weird to know I felt like this about my best friends brother

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As the day went on I couldn't stop thinking about Aurora.

By third period me, our friend group including; me, Theo, Enzo, Blaise, Draco, Cassie and Aurora had defence against the dark arts with our new teacher, professor Umbridge who was working for the ministry.

I had loved defence against the darks arts but this year I hated it the class was not allowed to do any spells all we did was read books that barely taught us anything.

Within five minutes of reading those useless books Aurora said something "urmm excuse me professor but when are we actually going to learn something?"
"Oh but you are learning something" Umbridge replies but that wasn't a good enough answer for Aurora, but before Aurora could open her mouth to respond I spat back "you can hardly call this learning" "yeah" Ron said agreeing with me which wasn't usually but it wasn't rare either.

Umbridge replied with "why would you need to learn how to defend yourself when there's nothing out there to harm you" at that Harry finally butted in "yes there is!" "Like what?" Umbridge asks "oh I don't know maybe lord Voldemort" Harry argued back, me and Cassie dropped our heads and looked down.

But neither the less Umbridge had gone as pink as he dress and shouted at Harry, Aurora and me to meet her in her office at 4pm that afternoon and when Aurora asked why all she said was "for disturbing my class room."
"Well I wouldn't have to disturb it if you was actually teaching" Aurora mutters underneath her breath so no one can hear her but I heard her and laughed a little which made Umbridge turn and give him a Stern look which made me stop.


At 4 o'clock me, Harry and Aurora had arrived to Umbridges office, Harry went in first and came out a couple minutes later looking angry but didn't say anything.

I was next and was told to write 'I must not argue back" after writing a couple times on a piece of parchment I felt something dripping on my left hand when I looked at it I saw the words that I was writing now in graved in my skin. I asked Umbridge not to do this to Aurora but she ignored me and pushed me out of her office and summoned Aurora into her office.

When Aurora went into the office she was told to write "I must not disturb the class room" I know this because I was listening, she did so and instantly felt the pain as she shouted "ow" and as soon as she saw the blood she got up and ran out and went straight into me as I was outside waiting for her.

Aurora tried to go round me but I wouldn't let her instead I took her hand which was now bleeding because of Umbridge and kissed it which caused her to look up at me in confusion "does it hurt?" I questioned Aurora "a little it mostly just stings" Aurora replied having to look up at me because of our height difference.

I then grabbed her other hand and walked her to my dorm. Aurora must have thought it was weird being in my dorm, because sure she is always in the Slytherin common room but she has never been in my dorm.

As I lead her up to my dorm she couldnt help but look at me I felt her gaze burning through me "urmm Mattheo what are you doing?" Aurora asked me
"I want to clean you're cut up so it won't get infected" I said as i lead Aurora into my bathroom and sat her on the counter i stood in between her legs to clean her cut, Aurora was aroused about how gentle I was with her.

Aurora mainly saw me fighting or arguing with someone like that day I was arguing with a some random Slytherin Aurora of course had no idea what about because I didn't want her to know but now she looked at me and was clearly wondering something "Mattheo" "yes Rory" I didn't even look up when she said my name or when I replied, I just continued to clean her cut.

"Why was you fighting with that boy before?" Aurora asked as her curiosity filled her brain, I took a deep breath before I answered her question "because I over heard him talking about you and what her was going to do with you" this time I looked at her as I spoke and she looked at me, our eyes filled with two things lust and love

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