Chapter 5~ love or lust

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Mattheo was looking into my eyes, his eyes filled with lust and maybe a tiny piece of love before I knew it his lips were smashed into mine and we were kissing, it was probably the most passionate kiss I had ever had my legs wrapped around his hip...

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Mattheo was looking into my eyes, his eyes filled with lust and maybe a tiny piece of love before I knew it his lips were smashed into mine and we were kissing, it was probably the most passionate kiss I had ever had my legs wrapped around his hips as my skirt rose higher up my thigh his hands went to my waist as mine went around his neck deepening the kiss.

I so wanted to have sex with him but I knew if I did the guilt of knowing I had done it with my best friends brother would eat me alive so I pulled away.

"We can't" I say to him as confusion spreads across his face "why not?" He asked, he probably thought I stopped because of who he was but that wasn't the case  "because of Cassie" I answer "what about Cassie?" He asks with a smug smile across his face knowing that it's not because of who he is "you're her brother and she's my best friend" I respond to his question "so what? Don't act like she's not doing it with my best friend" he was so clearly speaking about Lorenzo.

His answer caught me off guard how did he know? Did Cassie or Enzo tell him? Why wasn't he loosing his head? He had always been so overprotective of Cassie not letting any boy near her.

"Don't act like you don't know sunshine" he says to me I look down knowing he will get the answer out of me if I look at him for to long "it just feels wrong" I say to him and at that he take my chin in his hand forcing me to look at him "if it feels so wrong then why are you still wrapped around my waist?" He asks obviously as a rhetorical question "but if you don't want to we don't have to" he says in the softest voice ever that makes me melt.

He looks at me with the softest smile ever "you know I want to Matt" i express to him at that he kisses me again "me too" he says breaking the kiss and at that I just end up giving in to him and I kiss him again he smiles into the kiss as I pull his shirt off. His abs are so perfect and I run my hand up and down his six pack, he starts to unbutton my shirt before he could finish he pulls away from the kiss "are you sure?" He says to me almost like a whisper i nod my head yes and kiss him again.

"I need words love not just a nod" he explains to me "yes I'm sure Matt" I say to him and he kisses me again undoing my tops buttons and throwing it.

When my top hits the floor Mattheo steps away from me to stare at me as i'am now fully naked I couldn't help but feel a bit insecure so I close my legs but he pushes them back open "don't ever do that again love, let me take in all of your beauty" I smile at his words knowing he means them.

After a little bit of staring he pulls down his pants me gasp at the size he looked around 8-9 inches the biggest I had ever had. Way bigger than my ex boyfriend Cody, I couldn't help to feel a little nervous but I so needed him to touch me he comes close to me again.

Kissing me as he tease my entrance with his tip, I was starting to get fed up of waiting trying to pulling him closer to me, but he doesn't move and just stares into my eyes "your so fucking needy" at that I smile and he thrust into me I gasp but he isn't even all the way in.

When he is all the way inside of me he stops letting me adjust to his size "tell me when I can move princess" I adjust to his size "you can move" as soon as those words left my mouth his thrusts become faster and harder leaving me a moaning mess.

His fingers go to my clit as he starts brushing his fingers over my clit slow while thrusting into me hard, when he hits my sweet spot a gasp as he growls  I start to clench around him "I'm gonna cum Matt" I say to him "don't you dare fucking cum until I say so" he demands.

This fucking dick head.

I try really hard to keep my orgasm in "Matt" I say he knows exactly what I'm talking about "beg for it princess, beg for me to let you cum" his words caught me off guard but I do "please Matt"
"Please what sunshine" he's such a fucking dick making me beg I hate begging but I need this "please let me cum" I whimper and he nods his head
"Go on cum all over my fucking cock" and I do exactly that but he doesn't stop he just keeps Pounding me through my high.

I reached my third orgasm by the time he cum's inside of me, he stays inside of my for an extra minute until he pulls out and goes to get a wash cloth to clean me up.

As he stands there cleaning me I can't help but realise how gentle he is with me and I just don't understand why  "Matt can I ask you a question?"
"Anything love" I adore these little nicknames he gives me "why are you so gentle with me?" I ask him as he looks up at me and smiles before placing a soft kiss on my lips, "because you smart" he kiss me again "kind" he kiss my chin "loyal" he kisses my neck

"And mostly you stand up for people when no one else will and I will forever admire you for that" I smile at him knowing he means what he says not by reading his mind but by the expression on his face.

He goes into his wardrobe and hands me one of his tops I put it on and it is way too big for me. Basically reaching my knees.

Yeah because your tiny compared to him.

I'am still on the counter so I jump off and try to walk over to my uniform to pick them up but as I take a step my legs give out on me making me fall to the floor Mattheo laughter fills the room but stops as soon as I glare at him. He picks me up bridal style and takes me over to his bed where he sets me down.

If I can't walk tomorrow I might just kill him.

I've just woken up to Mattheo cuddling me. I garb the clock from his bed side table checking the time.

1:37 am. Shit.

I slowly try to lift Mattheo arm from around my waist just for him to tighten his grip on me.

I gasp when his grip tightens and his face nuzzles into my neck. I roll my eyes and decide to go back to
Sleep realising I'm not getting out of this situation.


TIKTOK: Fanfic.tvdu377


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