Chapter 6~the daily profit

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I woke up to strong arms around my waist, I knew it was Mattheo, but the question was how would I get out of his grip

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I woke up to strong arms around my waist, I knew it was Mattheo, but the question was how would I get out of his grip.

As I tried to move his arm from my waist he grip tightened "Mattheo I need to go" I said in a whisper
"just five more minutes Rory" .  Every time he calls me that I melt "I can't I'm sorry" I say unwrapping his arm from waist "ugh fine" he replies moving onto his back.

I try to stand up but fall back onto the bed, as I do I hear a slight laugh come from Mattheo I turn back to give him a glare and I see him already looking at me with a smirk.

"I hate you" I say glaring at him " yeah sure you do love" he says leaning over to me and kissing me with so much passion and I immediately melt into the kiss and deepen the by kissing him back.


I walk down to the great hall limping because of Mattheo, as I enter the hall I'm greeted with a hug from Cassie "hey what's up?" I ask a bit worried "haven't you heard?" She answers my question with her own "nooo what's happened" I ask as she pulls me by my arm over to a table with the daily profit on it.

As I'm tracing my hand over the writing I see the words.

'Lucas Sinlclair has broken out of Azkaban mostly like at the aid of Sirus Black'

My heart drops at the words my farther Lucas Sinclair has broken out of Azkaban I feel my eyes flutter as my face drops in horror I start to stumble back feeling sick.

I look around to see if I can find Jacob and I find him at the doors our eyes lock as I make my way to him.

I push past the crowd around the profit and start to head towards the door finally reaching Jacob,
I look at him not knowing what to say.

I mean our farther just broke after Azkaban what can I say?

Grabbing my shoulders jacob pulls me into a hug. I feel the whole room stare at us and I hear all of their thoughts, my head is pounding with their thoughts running through my mind and I let out a sob as Mattheo comes through the door looking around at everyone staring at me and Jacob.

Jacob pulls away from our hug looking down at me "go with Cassie" he says as a demand. "What? Why? Where are you going?" I ask panicking.

"To send a letter to mum I'll see you later" he says leaving with Astrid running up behind him and grabbing his shoulder to slow him down and he quickly stops tensing at her touch making me smile.

I look at Cassie's and give her a tight lipped smile before feeling a hand on my shoulder.

"are you okay?" Mattheo's husk voice whispers in my ear, I look up at him and smile "I'm fine" I whisper turning to look back at Cassie.

Reading her mind I hear her think 'I knew it' I smile at that and she comes over to me. Her and Mattheo are now leading me out of the great hall and down the stairs towards the Slytherin common room.

As we all walk into Mattheo's dorm Mattheo let's go of me walking to his bathroom to get me a cup of water and for the first time I hear his thoughts 'I hope she's okay' my eyes brows furrow at this.

Cassie is leading me to sit on his bed. Mattheo comes back with a cup of water in his hands which he gives to me.

"Are you okay Rory" Mattheo asks, my hands are shaking and my eyes are a puffy from crying
"clearly she's not okay you dingus" Cassie remarks I laugh at that, I love how they have slight remarks with each other.

It reminds me of me and Jacob.

"I'm fine, honestly I'm fine" I say nodding my head Mattheo looks at me and kisses my forehead "stay here okay and Cassie don't let her leave" Cassie gives him a dirty look as he leaves the room as Cassie is mimicking him while remarking that he can't tell us what to do.

I'am so mad right now I could punch anyone who talks to me and someone does it's Enzo he starts walking along side me he finally speaks up and first words were "where's Cassie?" Of course he was asking about my sister it would've normally pissed m...

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I'am so mad right now I could punch anyone who talks to me and someone does it's Enzo he starts walking along side me he finally speaks up and first words were "where's Cassie?" Of course he was asking about my sister it would've normally pissed me off if it was any one else but luckily he was my best friend.

"Why so you can go and fuck her?" I ask his face dropped "no so I can make sure that her and Aurora are alright" I chuckle a bit "there fine Enzo, there just in my room" I say "but I swear to god if you hurt her at all i will kill you with my bear fucking hands" I threaten him and he just laughs "what?" I ask looking at him with utter confusion he was just threatened by me Mattheo Riddle and he is just stood there laughing like a manic.

"I'm sorry it's just that you don't think I know about you and Aurora" I stare blankly at him "and I will do the exact same thing to you if you hurt Aurora" he had some balls to threaten me and we both end up laughing.

I knew why he was threatening me because Aurora was his cousins and he saw Aurora like a little sister to him and he loved her like a little sister and Enzo is one of the nicest people I have ever met but he has still gotten into a couple of fights for Aurora.


We start to walk towards the courtyard and all I can hear is people talking about Aurora and Jacob and their family which starts to piss me off, there all saying that she's just like her father and that she will end up just like him some day as well as Jacob the only ones that aren't talking about her are Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Theo, Hermione, Ron and Harry it was mainly the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs talking about her actually.

I feel some one grab my shoulder I turn a round to see Cormac "I mean you and Aurora are just made for each other, two psychopaths dating what a great matc-" before he could even Finnish his sentence I punch him to floor and get on top of continuing to punch him in his face there is now a crowd of people watching us and I get dragged off him by Draco.

I'm screaming at Cormac to keep Auroras name out of his mouth as Draco is dragging me by my arm we stop at the entrance of the building where Draco pushes me "what the hell Mattheo?" I just look down at my bloody knuckles "you are seriously gonna get hurt on day" I nod my head as he says that.

I look up when I hear Aurora and Cassie's voices looking down the hall way I see Aurora and Cassie giggling at something I feel my facial features soften and I just go up them and hug Aurora finding comfort in her embrace.

Cassie walks off towards Draco and they walk back to the courtyard I hold Auroras face as she give me the most innocent look tilting her head, god I love it when she does that, instinct kicks in and I kiss her.

It was a soft and passionate kiss and I loved it and yet after the kiss I hug her again and take her up to the astronomy tower so we could talk.




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