💫🌠── Jackie had no flaws

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💫🌠──Jackie had no flaws.

AS GEORGE gave them a tour of the house, she couldn't help but glance back behind her, meeting eyes with the same boy, Isaac. cardi watched as his lips curled up to half a smile and tilt his head, just like ethan use to do

Cardis stare towards came to halt when she crashed in to her sister. "Watch where you're going Jackie!" Cardi said in a yelling whisper tone only her sister and Isaac heard. 

Isaac slightly laughed making Cardis stomach twist. Cardi ignored the feeling, not liking it. 

"this is the kitchen.." said George pointing at the small kitchen whom Katherine stood in, still one the phone.

"I'll take these up to your room..- you want me to take that bag of yours?" George asked cardi who was too busy looking around the house, criticizing every small and big flaw of the house.

 Jackie nudged cardi making her make a noise of annoyance. "What the fuck- I mean-.." cardi quickly stopped mid sentence noticing the grown adult was staring right at her, with his eyebrows raised, giving her a warning look.

 "Would you like me to take that bag of yours..?" George said ignoring her choice of previous words. "uh.. no." Replied cardi, her grip on the small bag tightening. cardi watched as Katherine walked towards them with two cups filled with what looked like lemonade. Her phone still on her ear, her shoulder supporting it so it wouldn't fall. 

"it's lemonade." She said as cardi examined the drink, looking for anything to criticize. "Thanks." Jackie said making Katherine smile before continuing her conversation on the phone. 

As the two twins looked around the slightly messy house that had toy cars scatter around and other boring toys. 

Cardi noticed a yellow toy in her path,  Cardi scoffed and kicked the toy to the side making it land on Jackie's path. cardi watched as her sister stepped on the toy, hoping she fell. 

Cardi stepped back, her back meeting the cold wall, she leaned on it and crossed her arms.

it wasn't that she hated her sister, she just envyed her. 

Jackie had no flaws, but cardi did.

 she was a good student, with no records of suspension, or detention for that matter. no matter how hard cardi tried to reach her level, she always fell a level down. 

Because Jackie had nothing stopping her.

 On the other hand, cardi did. she had so many things stopping her. It's crazy weird how your world can go crashing down for one single boy

cardi watched as Jackie stepped back, both twins now had their attention of the yellow car. Cardi watched as she picked the yellow car and turned around placing it next to another car that was placed on the brown stairs railing. 

Cardis eyes followed her sisters gaze to a picture framed on the wall. 

Jackie stood frozen, staring right at the picture. cardi uncrossed her arms and stopped leaning on the wall.

 Curious at what had her sisters full attention she took a few steps forward to stand next to her. Cardis view on the picture became clear. It was her mom, at her college graduation. Her mother was hugging a familiar face that looked like Katherine, just very much younger.

 cardi remembered the day she found out her parents had passed. Infact, cardi could remember the days of anything traumatic that happen to her so very clear.

they first told her about her dad. which, at the time, she was smoking a blunt and sitting in her dead's boyfriend room. his blanket was wrapped around her as she watched TV.

Cardi had no feelings or remorse about her dad passing, because he never had time   to have relationship with her, but he did have time to have a relationship with Jackie and Lucy.

 but as soon as cardi heard the words "mom" and "Lucy" the girl was quick to fall silent. and unlike her sister, she was being told on the phone and 2 days after her sister found out. 

because cardi was never with Jackie, or ever home, or at school for that matter. 

cardi was in two places. 

She was with Ethan, or in his house. with his mom, both girls keeping each other company.

cardi cringed at the thought of thinking of Ethan's mom. the guilt taking over her, she had left the lady alone, again. the poor lady had no one, she didn't have her kids with her anymore, or the man she married. 

They were all in hell.

She was alone. Which was part of the reason cardi was always at Ethan's house, to keep the women company. but it all came crashing down over one phone call. 

It took them a few days to drag cardi out of the house, and when they did, she did it hugging Ethan's mom one last time with tears streaming down her face as her uncle held her gently but roughly. 

"I told you that the girls were coming today" said Katherine as she spoke on the phone, Katherine stood beside them staring  between the girls. Cardi blinked, snapping out of her thoughts. 

Cardi could feel her eyes get glossy making her look away from both Katherine and Jackie. she took a deep breath before turning back, her grip on her phone and bag was tighter than ever.

 "Jackie- and cardi.. I'm so sorry I have to go" Katherine said as she hung up that long phone call she's been having. Cardi blinked and glanced at her sister, knowing she would answer for both of them. 

as Jackie opened her mouth she was quickly interrupted by Katherine. "Oh, thank god. Wills here." Said Katherine, her attention on another person. cardi and Jackie turned their heads in sync, staring at a blonde older man. Who also had blue eyes. 

"I think the blonde ones all have blue eyes" cardi whispered to her sister who glanced at her and nodded. "Girls, this is will. Will this is Jackie and cardi." Katherine said as they all walked towards each other.

of course my names last, Cardi thought.

 "Jackie.. cardi, welcome!" Will said taking his hand out to shake Jackie's. 

Jackie shook it, trying to be polite. 

Cardi finally took a sip of her lemonade staring at the older man. 

Will turned to cardi to shake her hand. Cardi glanced at his hand then him. "no." Cardi said making will slightly laugh it out, slightly embarrassed.

"Hi.." Jackie said. 

"I have to go to the clinic, can you take over?" Katherine asked the oldest.

  annoyed, cardi tilted her head. there was so many kids she's met, she lost count and forgot their names, except for Isaac. He had her full attention the moment her eyes met his.

"Can you get them settled in? She's already met Alex.. Benny.. danny.. and..." Katherine trailed off forgetting the own kids name that lived in her own home.

Cardi and Jackie glanced at each other. "There's more?!" Cardi told her sister with her eyes, to which Jackie only rolled her eyes and turned back to Katherine. before Jackie can help Katherine out cardi opened her mouth. 

"Issac!" Cardi said with a little too much excitement she looked down at the floor, mentally slapping herself. "Issac." Katherine repeated. "Yes.."  will said after. 

ima try to post another chapter today🫶🏽🫶🏽 more Isaac is coming next chapter I promise. 

𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐄,, Isaac GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now