In an unexpected twist of fate, Tenko Shimura's turbulent childhood intersected with the bright optimism of a young Izuku Midoriya before the shadows of All For One could cast their ominous veil. At a tender age, Tenko, burdened by a traumatic past, found solace in the compassionate nature of Izuku, whose innate kindness became a beacon of light in the darkness that shrouded Tenko's world.
Izuku's unwavering belief in heroism and the potential for good within everyone resonated deeply with Tenko. The duo formed a childhood friendship that became a lifeline for Tenko, steering him away from the destructive path that would have led to the creation of Shigaraki. Together, they navigated the challenges of adolescence, discovering the wonders of quirks and the complexities of a society grappling with heroism and villainy.
As Tenko and Izuku matured, their bond grew stronger, and the narrative of their shared journey echoed with themes of redemption and resilience. Tenko Shimura, once a lost soul on the brink of darkness, emerged as a symbol of the transformative power of friendship and the potential for change even in the face of adversity. His story, intertwined with Izuku's, became a testament to the enduring strength found in the unlikeliest of connections.
My Hero Academia: What If...?
General FictionJust a series of What Ifs. Please Enjoy and Credit to all artists and I take requests!