chapter 1: Georges backstory

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Hi I'm George and it's the 19th September 2019 right now 18 years old. I live in Florida with my friend Sapnap and his boyfriend Karl. Right now I'm a hero and I'm fighting a villain Dream but you'll hear more about him eventually right now I'll tell you everything about me.

18 years ago on the 15th December 2001.

It's 2:46 p.m and I was finally born as a healthy girl. My parents were really happy to finally greet me and brought me home after some days. I was healthy and born on my due date so everything was fine. My parents were normal people so I should be normal too. Right? On my second birthday (18th December 2003) I got my powers. My parents were scared of me and gave me away so I wouldn't hurt them. That was the point In my life where everything went down. I got bullied and handed from one family to the next till i was 16. There I met my now best friend Sapnap. He has some powers too (fire) so we became friends. Two months later I met his boyfriend Karl he's an cool guy he's kind and funny and he can time travel. We became friends real quick and moved in together after just 6 month of knowing each other. I told them how I'm trans and they were really supportive. We became heros together and protect the city but 5 month ago in April a new villain came that we couldn't defeat like the others. His name is Dream. At least that's what everyone calls him. He's pretty cute but I'm a hero and he's a villain so I wouldn't be allowed to date him anyways. Sapnap and karl don't know how I think about the villain. I don't really want to fight with Dream but it's my job to protect the city...

Next is dreams backstory

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