0.16 Epilogue

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You talked to your dad about the idea of working at the headquarters. At least he was hesitant but he understood your point. After being away from each other he understood that you have a life besides work. He didn't like the idea of you being a Ferrari driver's girlfriend but he said that he'll try to accept it.

You went back to your room. Tomorrow it's race day and you'll need the energy. You went to bed early just in case. Your alarm woke you up early in the morning in order to get ready. You put on some casual clothes. It felt weird not to wear red bull work clothes. You texted Charles about getting breakfast together and he replied almost immediately.

You two met in front of the elevator. It was nice to know that you can be seen together publicly without having people creating rumors about you. Because in that case, all the rumors are true. You entered the breakfast hall together and you sat at a random table. Pierre made his way to your table after half an hour.

"Goodmorning lovebirds how are you..?" He asked "I am perfectly fine Pierre, I slept well yesterday. I love this hotel.." you said with a big smile. "I wish I could say the same. I am anxious about the race today.." Charles replied.

"Well you have your lucky charm with you today.." Pierre pointed out and you smiled offering Charles a forehead kiss. "I know and I am very grateful that she's here with me.." he said and smiled at the kiss.

"Y/n does the lucky charm thing work for other people? Best friends in the grid for example..?" Pierre asked. "I hope that I can bring you luck as well Pierre.." you said and messed his hair. "Yes but focus on me babe.." Charles said.

"I'll do my best I promise, stop putting pressure on me.." you said. The morning passed quickly and the boys left in order to get their pre race training done. You also got to your room to freshen up your makeup before leaving for the track.

Your dad gave you a lift this time. You felt like a little child again. It was still early when you arrived at the paddock. You decided to take a walk around it just like you always used to.

You felt a pair of arms hugging you and pulling you to the side. "Oh Charles please stop this is not a game.." you said but when you turned around you saw the last person you expected to see.

Max. Max Verstappen. "Max..?" you asked. He couldn't even look at you in the eye. "Just let me speak for some minutes and you can go I promise. I don't want to hurt you. I just want to get this thing off my chest.." he said and you nodded.

"I know that I have hurt you in the past. And that a sorry can't really fix anything. But for the last time I want to apologize for the way I treated you in the past. You are an amazing person and you deserve all the love and the affection you are getting now. I want to thank you for being a part of my life. Without you I wouldn't be the person I am today.."

"Not every new beginning is meant to last forever and not every person who walks into your life is meant to stay. I am happy that you were a part of it. After living in denial I finally understood that it's okay to finish writing our book. I want to have a peaceful final chapter though. I only wish you the best y/n.." he said.

You never noticed that Charles had seen you two but decided not to interfere when he heard Max's words. Once again you nodded at Max's words and gave him an awkward hug. "Thank you for being mature for once Max.." you said and he smiled a little. You stared at each other for some seconds and then you turned your back and started walking back to the Red Bull box.

You almost bumped into Charles. "Oh hey, I didn't realize that you were here.." you said. He stared at you with a smile. "Don't stress, I heard what he said to you. It was a mature way to cut the contact off. I can have you to myself now.." he said.

You smiled and you kissed him. You felt like you got something off your chest. You had to split your paths because the race was about to start. You sat beside your dad and watched the race through the big screens.

The lucky charm thing actually worked today. Charles managed to win this race. It was nice to see him celebrating under the fireworks in the night sky. Max came second. Lewis was third. The Ferrari, Red Bull and Mercedes engineers were all under the podium cheering for their drivers.

Charles pointed at you when he got his trophy. You could see that he was very emotional at the moment. After the podium he ran to the Red Bull box just to see you. That's when you got a notification from a tweet that Max posted.

"I'm looking through you while you're looking through your phone. And then leaving with somebody else. I am glad that someone else helped you get your spark back.."

Hello! I honestly can't believe that this story is finally completed. I got the inspiration from a friend's ex. I know that letting go isn't easy to do. But sometimes we have to let go. You can love someone and still choose to say goodbye to them. You can miss a person everyday and still be glad that they are not longer in your life.

I want to thank every reader of this story for making it to the end of it. I hope that you liked this journey as much as I liked it.

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