7 P.M

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Today started like any other day—dull and uneventful. The morning was grey, matching the monotonous routine that had become my life. I watched the bus pull away, leaving me stranded with a 10,000 won bill in my hand. With a sigh, I hailed a taxi, plunging into the chaos of rush hour.

The weight of work and relationships pressed on my shoulders like a heavy burden. After a quick meal, I closed my eyes for a moment, seeking solace in the fleeting darkness. My mind wandered, wondering about your day and how you were faring amid the struggles we both faced.

Life felt like a series of obstacles, each one harder to overcome than the last. Even simple math problems seemed insurmountable. Yet, amidst the chaos, I couldn't shake the feeling that the formula between us was right there, waiting to be unraveled.

The day dragged on, but there was a glimmer of hope—a plan to meet at Han River at 7 PM. The moon would be our witness as we defied the challenges that life threw our way. Our answer, whatever it may be, awaited us, just within reach.

 "Where to, buddy?" the taxi driver inquired, the low hum of the city night filtering through the open window.

"Han River, please. And make it quick," I responded, urgency lacing my words. "I've got a meeting at 7 PM, and time's not on our side." The city lights blurred as the taxi surged forward, the night enveloping us in a cinematic race against the ticking clock.

As I watched the city pass by through the taxi window, the monotony of the day pressed on. The city buzzed with life, indifferent to the personal struggles I carried. Thoughts of our planned meeting provided a glimmer of anticipation, a break from the mundane rhythm of the day.


The evening arrived, and the Han River shimmered under the moonlight. I found myself there, eagerly awaiting our meeting. The city lights flickered in the distance, and the night air held a promise of something more.

The weariness of the day lingered, but the prospect of our rendezvous brought a renewed energy. We agreed to meet before the moon reached its zenith, our own private deadline in the vast expanse of the night.

A single drink in hand, we sat by the riverside, the jokes flowing as effortlessly as the water beneath us. The night seemed to unfold too quickly, and I wished I could stop time, savoring each moment spent with you.

As the night wore on, the cityscape became a backdrop to our conversation. The weight on my shoulders eased, replaced by the comforting warmth of our connection. In the midst of tired laughter, I couldn't help but think about the struggles we shared and the unspoken understanding between us.

As the night reached its crescendo, I realized that sometimes, life's melody is not about avoiding the dissonance but finding harmony within it. We may be tired, caught in the ebb and flow of our lives, but here, together, we created a symphony that made the struggles of the day worthwhile. And as I looked at you, I hoped that, just for tonight, you felt the same.

"This view is incredible, isn't it?" Soonyoung remarked, his eyes dancing with the reflection of city lights.

"Absolutely," I replied, the cityscape sprawling beneath us like a galaxy of stars. "It's like our own little piece of serenity in the midst of chaos, a moment suspended in time where the world below feels both distant and insignificant." The night embraced us, and for a fleeting moment, the chaos seemed to hush, leaving only the enchanting serenity of our elevated haven.

The night unfolded like a poetic dance, each moment with you becoming a note in the symphony of our connection. Laughter echoed against the backdrop of the river, and the city lights became our audience. The night became a canvas, and our conversation painted it with hues of camaraderie and understanding.*


The night unfolded like a tapestry of secrets beneath the moonlit sky. As we sat by the riverbank, the city's distant hum provided a backdrop for the revelations that were about to unfold. The weight of unspoken burdens lifted as you began to share the intricacies of your life. Your words wove a narrative of resilience, struggle, and hidden victories. In the gentle glow of streetlights, I listened intently, absorbing the depth of your experiences.

 "I've never really told anyone this before..." Soonyoung admits, his gaze fixed on me.

"It's okay. We're in this together. Share as much as you're comfortable with," I assure him, meeting his eyes with a reassuring smile. The air between us softens, creating a safe space for whatever he's about to reveal.

His voice, laden with vulnerability, became the soundtrack of the night. The river whispered secrets, and under the moon's watchful gaze, we became confidantes. The weight of his words added layers to the connection we shared, and in that moment, the night became a haven for truth.


As the clock struck midnight, a hushed revelation settled over us like a mystical veil. The city, though still awake, seemed to respect the sanctity of our introspective journey. In the quietude, we explored the labyrinth of our thoughts, delving into the core of our aspirations, fears, and dreams. The moon above witnessed our silent exchange, a conversation that extended beyond words. It was a moment of epiphany—a realization that our paths, no matter how divergent, were converging toward a shared destiny.

"Funny how life orchestrates its twists, huh?" I remarked, my voice a mere whisper carried away by the evening breeze. "Paths entwining in the quietest corners of existence."

"Absolutely," he responded, his words carrying a shared understanding. He gently took my hands into his, the warmth of his touch grounding me in the moment. "Feels like destiny pointed us to this very moment, right here, right now." The world around us seemed to pause, as if granting us a timeless space to recognize the profound significance of our encounter.

The midnight hour became a canvas for introspection. Our shared silence spoke volumes, and as we explored the depths of our thoughts, the converging paths became more apparent. The midnight air held a sense of revelation, a quiet acknowledgment that our stories were merging into a shared narrative.


In the predawn hours, the world around us stirred with anticipation. The river mirrored the changing hues of the sky, reflecting the dawning realization that our connection was resilient, transcending the transient nature of the night. As the first rays of sunlight kissed the horizon, a gentle warmth enveloped us. We gazed at each other, understanding etched in our eyes.

 "This feels like a new beginning," he said, his voice a soft declaration echoing through the stillness.

I nodded in agreement, "It does. Like the dawn breaking after a long night," I added, the metaphor painting the sky in hues of hope and renewal. In that shared moment, it felt as if the universe itself conspired to craft a prologue to a story only just beginning to unfold.

The dawn became a metaphor for understanding, a new chapter in our connection. As we looked into each other's eyes, the complexities of our lives seemed to fade, and the simplicity of shared understanding took center stage.


Days turned into weeks, and the symphony of our connection played on. The memories of that transformative night remained vivid, an enduring melody that accompanied us through the varied tempos of life. Challenges persisted, but our shared experiences became the harmonious notes that composed the soundtrack of our existence. With each passing day, the connection forged in the depths of the night proved to be an unwavering source of strength. As we faced the harmonies and discords of life, the echo of that night's symphony resonated—a reminder that, in the vast orchestra of existence, our bond was a melody that continued to play on, unyielding and enduring.


7 P.M. | Soonyoung | ONE-SHOT Where stories live. Discover now