Surrogate Omega

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Pete sat on the bench, hungry and desperate. His son must be waiting for him at home, at least his neighbours are nice and are willing to help.

He got twenty bhats in his pocket which will get him nothing but two eggs and a bag of ramen, enough to feed his son. He still has to pay his rents which is due in a week and his salary won't be paid in advance for another two weeks.

His night shift will start in a few hours, but before that he has to prepare dinner for his son and put him to sleep.

"Pete?" A tall man with caramel skin approached the omega who just stood up from the park bench.
The little man felt two arms wrap around his shoulder giving him the familiar warmth that he missed for almost two years.

"I finally found you!" The alpha shouted as he squeezed his friend's cheeks. They both sat on the table as they shared about eachother's life.

"So you really named him Venice hah?" Porsche chuckled remembering the day when he accompanied the omega for an ultrasound and saw the baby on the monitor.

"And you are taking his responsibility by yourself?" Pete nodded as he smiled in small. Porsche placed his hand on his thigh, comforting him.

"I swear if I find that asshole I'll murder him myself for ruining your life!" A hint of annoyance visible in the alpha's eyes.

"It was my fault to be honest, who knew I would get my first heat on my eighteenth birthday exactly, but oh well at least it was all consensual," Pete sighed as he unlocked his phone to show Porsche the photo of his son on his wallpaper. "Look he is really cute, atleast the genetics were good," they both laughed forgetting about their suffering life for a second.

"On a serious note, it's wasn't your fault. Those alphas just want to take advantage of every omega on heat. They should learn to control themselves!" The alpha huffed as he side hugged the omega.

"Enough about my miserable life, tell me how's yours? I saw in the news you got married to Kinn Theerapanyakul. Wasn't he your boss?" Pete smiked as he teased his friend.

"Oi! Kinn is such an asshole you know! He had so many bed partners before and they give me side eyes whenever they see me as if I stole their husbands. Like it's not my fault that I am so handsome that he chose me," the alpha exasperatedly rolled his eyes making the omega chuckle.

"Anyways beside that, my brother in law Thankhun, he is such a drama queen with fun personality. Also Porschay went to Italy to study so that's good for him since it was his dream country." The alpha kept said as he sighed. His eyes looking sad at some point which the omega noticed immediately.

"It's okay, Chay is a good boy. Don't worry about him and you are rich now so you can useuour husband money to take a flight to Italy every weekend!" Porsche briefly smiled at his friend before turning gloomy again.

"I am not worried about that Pete. Chay is taken well care of by Kinn's bodyguards. It's just, I am tired of everything at this point. My father in law has a medieval mindset and he always nags Kinn for marrying an alpha who can't provide him with a child." Pete chuckled sadly as he caressed his son's photo on his phone.

"Guess no matter how rich you are, it doesn't really end your suffering. For some people lack of money is the cause of their misery while others have too much money that they don't know what to do with them. Some have too much to feed while others have too abundant to feed. Life is cruel." The alpha nodded at his friend's harsh words.

"Did you tried adopting or something?" Suggested the omega as he showed his best smile to his friend.

"We can't possibly adopt a child since that old fart would never accept someone who is not carrying Theerapanyakul blood." The alpha sighed. "But we are trying for a surrogacy procedure. The hospital has donated eggs from dominant Omegas but we can't get someone who can conceive the baby. We found few but they are either felt threatened by our enemies or simply they are scared of Theerapanyakuls despite offering them five million bhats." Pete widened his eyes when he heard the amount being said by the alpha. That money is enough for him and his son to live a comfortable life for at least twenty years, but any sane person wouldn't want themselves involved with Theerapanyakuls, especially when you have a child to look after. Beside you need to have a child of your own to be a surrogate and all those people who rejected the offer must have someone they want to protect.

Surrogate Omega - VegasPete ONE SHOT Where stories live. Discover now