Report No. 36-1: The Knight With His Path

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This is requested by AdrianDeltaSupdog, please give a shout-out to him.

Just to let you know, this is a long-term build for this story.

Tag: Female Dark Elf x Male Knight Reader

Your POV

The world while we live in the fantasy...

They are having the city and place filled with people who want to live in peace and be safe away from threats such as demons and outsiders who are untrustworthy. Most people in this city only live with jobs and marketing because they are common people.

To the ones living in the castle along with the Knight's commission district, it is only the knights who live here. They provide not just food and money, but also the dorms where they have things that are bedroom-related.


Man, same old, and same view of myself. An employee, a guard, and a knight to defend the kingdom.

It feels that I'm bored but to guard the place as I am now, guarding the secured area. "..." I would have felt relaxed but this is not how I would get respected by anyone if I hadn't done anything.

"Talk about doing the job as a knight, at least we're getting paid." A knight who is friendly smiles with a greeting to me.

"I'm not saying that I have to be relaxed as a guarding duty outside, F/n," I reply to him.

"Yeah, but we have to follow the orders. There's no getting around besides having support from that hero."

"Yeah..." I slightly sigh as we both stand to guard the gate. True, there were a lot of knights since we were from the Knight Academy and we had to train to become the official knights. Right now, we are still beginners as we should be trained and experienced to know the rules and how we fight.

I've been looking up to the kingdom named Teilmas. I can tell that they want the hero regardless if it is about exploration and trying to defeat the Demon Lord, but to me the hero, can I trust him based on his attitude towards us? He was arrogant while looking down on us as some defective knights who were weak and could not grow stronger than any warriors.

"Man, who knows if some hero can see us like this." F/n comments.

"Like guarding the gates? Yeah because we were weak. We're still beginners." I sigh. I was wondering what someone who is my girlfriend would say if she saw me like this.

"Still worried about her?" F/n asks.

"Yeah, I was. I'm a knight, not a hero like he would have been!" I answered his question. "Besides, this is just the beginning since I was recruited after trying my hardest through my studies."

"Not to mention how hard it was to try against a coach. You know about that hero who was recently been blessed at his youthful age." F/n replies.

"More like he is like us. Peers, classmates..."

"Let's just say that we are common folk with blessed magic that we swore to protect." F/n chuckles and starts changing the subject. "Anything you want to do after our shift ends?"

"I would say a date since she was bored. I need to save up money since I have to try my best even after I told her the truth during my confession when I was still a student at the academy."

"Bro, this was the beginning. I don't know if she has a heart towards the hero if she doesn't know who she is on the inside."

"Hey, at least she's this kind like I would try to protect her along with this city!" I growl at F/n. "I just hope I am living a life and training well when it comes to the exams so I can pass and be promoted."

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