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A fae without magic, a prisoner with a deadly secret. Together, they may be able to save the fae world before it is destroyed.

I was driving late one night when I noticed a tiny sliver of a moon in the sky. As writers do when they notice random things like that, I thought to myself, "Huh. That's cool." and filed it away for later. Then, a few days passed and I was digging up old forgotten stories for the fun of it, and then it hit me... a cool new story idea where I combined old concepts with new interests and sprinkle a little moon imagery in there. Thus, Crescent came into the world!

This project is something of an experiment. I drafted the outline in an afternoon and then only later began to flesh out my notes and ideas (after I had doodled the main characters and teased my friends with my new idea, of course). It is still in the first draft stage as I'm sharing it, but I hope that you will enjoy the ride. Just relax and have fun! :D

For my established readers: Crescent is a standalone with no connection to my other works, so if you're looking for something new from me, here you go! And if you're new here, welcome! I'm glad you decided to join me on this journey. I hope it proves entertaining for everyone.

As for updates, I'm aiming to have a backlog of at least 5-10 chapters before I start posting so that hopefully I can post once a week. I would like to publish chapter one in January or February, but we'll see what happens. I'm on break as I'm writing this so I have lots of time, but I know that's not always true when I go back to school. 

Please note that this is a first draft so it may be a little bumpy at times. At this stage, I'm mainly focused on getting the story out there, and sometimes that can lead to a lot of imperfections. All the same, I hope you are able to enjoy the story!

Anyway I don't have a whole lot to say right now so... see you all in chapter one! :D If you haven't already, you should add this book to your library so you can be notified when it updates.

 see you all in chapter one! :D If you haven't already, you should add this book to your library so you can be notified when it updates

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