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(This is an ask book for vs impostor v4. Might be horrible lol)

Green: ...okay. Is the camera working?
Red: Yeah, it is.
Green: Alright. Hello! And welcome to the Impostor V4 ask Book!
Red: Also all these guys are here.
Yellow: I still don't get how I'm not dead.
White: When we revealed the original cast list, some people *cough cough* Pink *cough cough* we're begging us to let you join.
Black: They would not. Shut up.
Pink: Sorry guys! :)
Black: I'd like to add that Grey- grey? Gray? Grey how do you spell your name?
Grey: Depends on wether you're American or British actually but for the sake of consistency we'll be saying Grey.
Black: Also he's here but he didn't want to introduce himself.
Red: So I think that covers everything. Ask away!


Green: Red you idiot you have to turn off the camera when you finish recording.

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