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Mention of suicide and physical abuse..

Author's pov

A boy laid on the floor of his room with tears streaming down the corner of his eyes. Blood at the corner of his lips , left cheek swollen , bruises on his neck and hands with his sole bleeding with small glass pieces still stuck into his skin

"What have I ever done for him to hate me so much? Was it me who told him to go and fuck my mom at the fucking age of 14. Partially its mother's fault too. She should have aborted me, at least I wouldn't have to go through this hell" the boy mumbled as his body laid limp on the cold floor

Eyes getting heavy. Not having power to even lift his arms. But he has to remove the glass pieces and treat his feet neither they might get infected and he might get beaten up for that too by his ‘father’

"Fuck" the boy cried as he pulled out the glass peices. He limped into the bathroom and took a shower before applying ointment on his wounds and wrapping them up. He limped back to his room before falling on his bed and passing out

The next day the boy's room door was brust open by a man. The man walked in and scrunched up his nose seeing the blood on the floor. Walking on the other side of the bed after jumping over the bloody track he threw the glass of cold water on the sleeping boy's face who jolted up from his sleep

"Get the fuck up and make me breakfast" the man said before leaving the room

The boy fell on the bed with eyes barely open but still he pushed his body up and limped into the bathroom to freshen up and wore another set of clothes out of his 5 set and walked downstairs with great difficulty

Somehow managing to cook a sandwich and some juice before plating them in front of his so called father but only to get it thrown away

"Can't you make anything other than a damn sandwich?! Everyday the same thing!" The man shouted at him before taking a sip of the juice before spitting it out

"Should have died! Why the fuck where you even born?! Can't even do a single work!" The man shouted before storming out of the house leaving the boy to just sighed tiredly

"As if I have ever wanted to live. Should have asked that to your one night stand" the boy mumbled and went to the kitchen and ate the other sandwich before dragging his body back to the room

This has been the life of Jeon Jungkook, a mere 19 years old boy since the last 9 years. His father being a spoiled brat and playboy plus fuckboy from the pre-teen age knocked off a girl at the early age of 14 and that's how jungkook entered this hell hole

His mother flew away after giving birth to him nd leaving him at his father's parents' doorstep just the day after his birth. He agrees his grandparents were good to him but his days in hell started when they died when he was 10 years old and since then his father always beats him and made him his personal maid.

He is thankful that he at least completed his graduation from high school and isn't illiterate but he never got the chance to study further. Actually he never got the chance to think about what he actually wants to achieve. Always been involved in healing his external wounds and doing house chores

He is really envious of those kids who have a perfect family. He craves for a family but god had planned something different for him. Oh he doesn't even believe in god anymore. After all, what did he get after praying for hours to get him out of this hell? He is still here. In this hell hole

In the evening–

By 7.30pm Jungkook prepared whatever he knew for the dinner before going to his room. Not at all wanting to face his so-called father. But looks like luck is never on his side. Well it was never on his side from the beginning

"Where the fuck are you going? Go and get me and my friend some refreshments" Mr. Jeon said and jungkook could only sigh

"Isn't he your son-

"Don't make me laugh Ron. He.. my son? Never. He is just a maid" Mr. Jeon said, cutting off his friend who nodded his head. Looking at the boy worriedly

"Move your hands and legs faster you bitch!" Mr. Jeon shouted before going back to continue the conversation with his friend

Jungkook walked into the living room with two glasses of juice and some snacks and kept them on the coffee table before leaving. Or that's what he thought

"Have you cooked dinner?" Mr. Jeon asked rudely as he look a sip of the expensive grape juice

"Yes, Mr. Jeon." Jungkook whispered. Not having that much energy to speak out loud

"I couldn't hear" Mr. Jeon said, it was clear mocking

"Yes Mr. Jeon" Jungkook said with all his strength. Mr. Jeon hummed while nodding his head

"How old is he?" Mr. Jeon's friend asked, eyeing Jungkook.  Jungkook wasn't a fool to not understand the way that man was eyeing him

"Maybe 18 or 19. Why?" Mr. Jeon asked

"I want him"

"I want him" Mr. Jeon's friend said , tilting his head towards jungkook with a light smirk

"It's of no use, ron. This useless thing would be of no use for you" Mr. Jeon said to his friend while rolling his eyes

"I will see that but as payback of collaborating with your company I want him" Mr. Jeon's friend, ron said in which Mr. Jeon thought for a while before nodding his head

"Fine. Take him tomorrow. But for now just forget that and tell me would you like to eat now or later?" Mr. Jeon asked

"Hmm it's almost 8, I guess we should proceed to have dinner. I have to go back to my mansion as well" Mr. Jeon's friend said in which he nodded his head

"Serve the dinner" jungkook just nodded his head. Completely surrendering to his life with no hopes left. He is literally being tossed around like a fucking object

Jungkook served the dinner and finally left for his room before Mr. Jeon can interrupt and stop him. His body can't stand any more and he needs to change his bandage

"Isn't he going to eat?" Mr. Jeon's friend asked looking at the way jungkook went

"Leave it Ron. He is just a maid. Why are you thinking too much? Just enjoy the dinner" Mr. Jeon said turning his friend around by his shoulder and leading him to the dining area

"How is the food?" Mr. Jeon asked in which ron nodded his head

"It's good." Ron said while munching on the food. Mr. Jeon hummed satisfied and ate his own food

In Jungkook's room–

The poor 19 years old boy laid on the bathroom floor, crying his lungs out. Why always him? What did he ever do to get treated like this?

"It's better to kill myself. At Least I wouldn't have to tolerate all this anymore. Yes I should. There is no reason for me to live anymore" jungkook mumbled to himself and took hold of the blade

With shaky hands he brought the blade close to his left hand's wrist and sliced his wrist. The pain in his heart is more than his body pain. With one last slice the 19 years old boy fell down limp on the cold bathroom floor in a pool of his own blood

"Hope I will get some peace now" once last time mumbling Jungkook closed his eyes

Next day–

"Where is he?" Ron asked walking beside Mr. Jeon

"Actually.. you see.. that shit suicided last night" Mr. Jeon said with a sigh




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