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Third person pov

Jimin slowly opened his eyes, he frowned when he realised that he is not in his room, he slowly sat up and hissed when a pain shot in his neck area and soon the incidents of yesterday flashed in his mind. unknownly few pearl like tears rolled down in his cheeks, he don't why but he felt hurt.

"I hate you Jeon jungkook, I hate you so fucking much" jimin mumbled and wiped his tears furiously, he saw Jungkook sleeping on the couch peacefully which he didn't settle with at all.

Jimin walked inside bathroom and bought back a bucket of water, he poured the whole water on the sleeping figure.

Jungkook jolted woke up by the sudden action. He rubbed his face and looked up.

"are you out of your mind, why did you do this" jungkook yelled in irritation.

"Now you are yelling like this because I blew water on you, then didn't you slap me yesterday, what can I say to that?" Jimin asked, suddenly a great remorse engulfed jungkook, he felt so guilty towards jimin.

"I got angry because you lied to me that's why I hit you, why did you lie to me" jungkook said in lowly voice.

"So, if you get angry, you can hit whoever you want, Who gave you the right to slap me?" Jimin questioned

"If you see like that, you have slapped me so many times, who gave you that right?" Jungkook questioned back.

"I slapped you because you made a mistake, I would have done the same to whoever was in your place." Jimin answered.

"Then it was also wrong for you to lie to me and I slapped you for it and would have done same to whoever in your place or even more worse."

"I didn't do anything wrong, I didn't do anything to you more than you did to me. You tried to kill me. But I just told you a lie. I just want to teach you a good lesson and you don't justify yourself immediately because you are not even close to being reasonable" jimin snapped

"I don't justify myself with anything and you don't immediately become a Saint. It was wrong for me to slap you means then it was wrong for you to lie to me too. So don't just blame me when you are also at fault." Jungkook continued,

"Not only that, I feel so bad for slapping you, I feel so bad when I think I slapped you, I apologize for that." Jungkook said sincerely but Jimin doesn't seems to be believing that. He just scoffed at that

"I don't care about that, whether you slapped me or pretending like you're feeling bad for it, I don't care about that, if you apologize to me, or not, I don't care about that either, but if you lay your hand on me one more time, then I won't be the same jimin you see." Jimin said pointing his finger towards jungkook while looking straight into his eyes, jungkook also glaring at him but not with hatred like Jimin's but with something indescribable. With that Jimin left the room furiously while jungkook just standing on the same place absent-mindly.

Time skip:-

Jungkook already left to the company, only jimin is in the huge mansion along with some maids, he is not simply wasting his time, he applied for the entrance exam for fashion designing and exam date has been announced, so our jimin is fervently preparing for it, if jimin got passed in it then he have to attend the mains and finally the interview.

Jungkook on the other hand is frustrated about something and creasing his forehead out of stressness because of a particular news he got. He called his secretary and informed her to book a private flight ticket for America immediately.

Time skip:-
In jikook Mansion

Jungkook made his way inside the mansion and found jimin who is reading most possibly studying, jimin looked at his direction when he felt a presence nearby and immediately averted his gaze back to the book he holding.

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