𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞 ᅳ 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧

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ᅳ 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧

Tig ruffled his hair after hanging up and slipping his phone back into his pocket

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Tig ruffled his hair after hanging up and slipping his phone back into his pocket. Having a daughter, three of them at that, wasn't always easy and it was even harder when two of them didn't get along.

Sage, his middle child, had just told him again that she wasn't coming to Charming. Normally Tig didn't ask her to do that, but this time the lockdown was different than usualᅳ more serious and longer. All Tig wanted was Sage to be safe, but he couldn't keep her safe while she was in Seattle instead of here with him.

"Let me guess, she's not coming?", Dawn asked, who was only here because her niece's birthday was tomorrow. That was the only day of the year when she tried to spend a few hours with her youngest sister, Fawn.

The fact that a sudden lockdown would take place came as a surprise. Otherwise she would definitely have stayed in Seattle, and now she had to find a good excuse to tell her boss why she isn't coming for the next week or even longer. She finally had a decent job and didn't want to lose it because of such a thing.

"No, she still refuses." Tig nervously played with one of the crayons that were still spread out on the table and his granddaughter was still drawing, unable to stay calm. "Then I'll just have to force her, but she has to come here."

"You can't force her, dad", Dawn said with a shrug and ran her fingers through Hayley's, her niece, dark blonde curls.

"And what am I supposed to do then? She's my kid, a part of me, so she's automatically in danger. Plus, she was the club president's Old Lady, which makes it even more dangerous for her to be alone right now", the man with the black curls countered sternly.

"She was, right, not anymore", Fawn sneered, who had been following the conversation with a bitter aftertaste, next to her Jax, who had his arm loosely around her shoulder. "She's exaggerating like always. If she doesn't want to come here, that's her problem, dad."

Frowning, Dawn snorted, simply not understanding her sister's audacity. "She's exaggerating? You fucked her boyfriend while she was in the hospital after the miscarriage and was grieving over her and Jax' baby. And then she had to find you two in her bed together when she got home."

"We know we made a mistake", Jax sighed, not exactly happy about how Dawn spoke to him and Fawn. However, she had every right to do so and he was truly sorry for what happened back then. "But if Tig tells her to come here, she has to get her ass down here."

“Oh yeah?” Dawn challenged, bending over the wooden table just a little to get closer to him. "She can make her own decisions and even though I think it would be safer if she came here, I can understand that she would rather accept that something might happen to her before sharing a room with you two", the brunette hissed, then she got up and left the main room of the clubhouse to call Sage herself and make sure her sister was fine.

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