𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨 ᅳ 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐬

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The helmet flattened her bouncing curls before she closed the clasp

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The helmet flattened her bouncing curls before she closed the clasp. What she found really cute was when Happy checked again whether the helmet was sitting properlyᅳ as if she, as the daughter of a biker, had never worn a helmet before. Still, she was smart enough to know that he only did this because Tig was her father and if anything would happen that Tig would rip his head off.

"Hold on tight, okay? We don't need anything to happen to you", the killer ordered sternly before getting on his bike, waiting until Sage sat down behind him.

Using his shoulders to hold on to, she swung one leg over the bike and scooted around until she was sitting comfortably, her arms immediately finding their way around his waist. She wasn't afraid to ride on a bike, but after a little accident with her best friend ages ago, in which luckily nothing happened, she had still developed a certain respect.

"I'm ready", she called over the engine Happy had just started. And just a moment later he was driving down the small hill that led away from her apartment.

She still didn't really have time to take a break from her work, and she didn't feel like riding around eitherᅳ but she had to admit that it was nice to ride on a bike again. With the exception of Tig and Jax, no one had taken her with them before because the members didn't let everyone ride bitch. She was all the more surprised that Happy took her with him without a problem.

And it could be worse than sitting behind someone like Happy. Admittedly, she enjoyed feeling his toned abs under her grip more than she should and the desire to slip her hands under his shirt was hugeᅳ and yet she knew her limits and luckily had some self-control.

But would it hurt to have a little fun with someone who was that attractive? Non-binding sex never hurt anyone. She wouldn't fall for someone who was allowed to cheat while on tour or someone who couldn't stay faithful. Of course Happy could be different, not a man whore like Jax.

Yes, that's exactly what Prince Charming was. A man whore. And she would say it to his face, but in her eyes, Jax wasn't worth continuing to destroy herself. He was happy with Fawn and she would eventually find happiness with someone who would appreciate her love, devotion and support.

After about an hour they arrived in Tacoma and Happy parked his bike in front of a building that looked similar to the clubhouse in Charming and yet seemed so differentᅳ more comfortable. Maybe it was because it was a bit remote with a forest at the back and only a few houses around, while the clubhouse in Charming was right next to the streets.

"I'm just packing a few things, you can wait at the bar. If you need anything, let a prospect know", Happy explained, who was sure that Sage would find her way here. "Give me twenty minutes."

He then tilted his head to the side to indicate that she should follow him after they both got off the bike.

"Okay sure", she replied with a slight shrug and looked around the area, which she really liked. Although she had lived in Washington for years, she had never once been to Tacoma. In general, she has never been to any part of Washington other than Seattle. "But I can also wait outside, it's not too bad here."

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