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"Lan zhan the weather is beautiful today." said Wei wuxian.

"Mn!" nodded Lan zhan.

It was nine in the morning the sky was hiding behind clouds, creating various types of beautiful illusions .

Lan zhan and Wei wuxian did their morning routine and came downstairs for breakfast. Juniors and Jiang cheng were already downstairs waiting for them so, they could eat together.

"Good morning Cheng cheng!" greeted Wei wuxian with cheeky smile.

"Who-tf you are calling Cheng cheng?" exclaimed Jiang cheng with unpleasant expression.

"Good morning a-die and a-niang!" wished Lan sizhui with a warm smile and Lan zhan nodded his head with a little smile.

"Good morning my little radish. You are looking handsome as always." said Wei wuxian while patting sizhui head.

Zizhen and Jin ling also wished. They were now eating breakfast as Jiang cheng has already ordered food.

"Xuan-jie isn't here yet?" asked Wei wuxian.

"Why are you so interested in her?" asked Jiang cheng.

"I am not interested in her but she is nice and quite friendly." replied Wei wuxian.

"Yeah yeah!" said Jin Ling sarcastically and roll his eyes.

"Radish, don't you want to meet her also?" asked Wei wuxian but was looking at Jin ling with a smirk.

"I-i maybe!" answered Lan sizhui.

"She isn't here yet!" said Zizhen and Wei wuxian made 'oh' sound.

"Senior Wei we can meet her at night. Maybe, since she is here for trip so she will be here for few days." said Zizhen with a smile.

"Yes we can!" replied Wei wuxian.

"Let's go for investigation for what we are here!" said Jin ling with a frown.

Lan zhan and Jin ling could've drown in vinegar, by the amount of vinegar they were drinking.

The streets of Nightless City were quite full of stalls and shops, people were buying different kinds of things. No one could tell, if it was the same city, that was empty all over at night.

At the night time it was giving full horrer vibes, probably a single sound of pin could be heard.

The group of cultivators were analysing the place thoroughly, observing every single detail.

"Where should we start?" asked Lan Jingyi.

"Let's first asked peoples!" Wei wuxian looked around and spotted a girl, standing at some distance from them. Lan Jingyi nodded his head and approached her.

"Excuse me!" said Lan Jingyi to a girl.

"Yes, how can I help you?" asked the girl with sparkly eye's.

"Um... can you please tell me about weird incidents happened recently!" requested Lan Jingyi.

"Of course! But the only weird thing happen is my mom!" answered the girl.

"Your mom?" questioned Jin ling in confusion.

"Yes my mom she changed suddenly, said if i can't find myself a good husband i don't have to show her my face" told the girl as she began to hold Jingyi hand.

"I-i maybe can't help you with that!" Lan Jingyi tried to free his hands.

"Only you can help me!" exclaimed the girl and started to cry while the others didn't get wtf was happening there.

Wei wuxian laughed, Lan zhan and Lan sizhui remained same and Jiang cheng was feeling disturbed as she was trying to stick to his son.

"HE CAN'T!" shouted Zizhen and pulled Lan Jingyi.

"Enough we have more important business to do!" said Jiang cheng, began to walk ahead. Followed by others.

--Guest House----------

"And where is your a-xian whom you are blabbering since morning?" asked Hua cheng.

"Maybe he already left." said Mu qing.

"It's all because of you! Why did wake up so late?" stated Shi qingxuan as she was trying to put the blame on them.

"Correction- YOU are the one who woke up late!" exclaimed Feng xin.

"You guys should've woke me up!" said Shi qingxuan with a pout.

"In your dreams!" said Feng xin.

"It's ok Jie we can meet them later!" said Xie lian.

"But! Okay maybe at evening." replied Shi qingxuan.

"Now let's eat breakfast." said Xie lian.

"What about ghosts?" questioned Shi qingxuan.

"We can only catch them at night. For now they were surely hiding somewhere!" answered Hua cheng.

"Great! Then, let's go for shopping." said Shi qingxuan excitedly.

"Well it's not that bad but we can't shop for whole day." said Feng xin as he frowned.

"We will go for sight seeing after shopping." said Mu qing.

'Why they are here? Please let me spend my time with Gege!' thought Hua cheng.

After eathing the breakfast they were wondering around in the city.

"First let's buy clothes," said Xie lian as he walked toward the clothes store.

"Yah! Where are you dragging me?" exclaimed Shi qingxuan, she was zoning out all the time thinking about something so, Hua cheng came to get her as she was left behind.

"Gege wants to buy clothes!" replied Hua cheng.


"Kid what are you doing here?" asked Wei wuxian looking at a child standing all alone on an empty street.

"Where is your parents?" questioned Jin ling.

"Mother didn't come back!" cried the child.

"It's fine, don't cry!" Wei wuxian lifted him in his arms.

"Here is!" said Zizhen as he took out some candies and gave it to him.

"No! Mother... i want my mother back!" cried the child more hard.

They all felt bad for the kid, he seemed about five to six years old.

Wangxian, Jiang cheng and Juniors were searching for clues since morning, now it was almost evening time all they found out was that the people only disappear after midnight. Before the incidents happened Nightless city used to open all night but now mostly no one leave their home after eight o'clock.

"You want to come with Gege. we will find your parents!" said Lan sizhui

The kid jump in sizhui arm. After staying for few minutes the kid stopped crying and as he started to play with sizhui face.

"I think we should come here at night!" said Jiang cheng.

They all nodded, he child was quite happy with sizhui. Wei wuxian laughed as he remembers his son past, as sizhui always got happy with Lan zhan even when he was with Wei wuxian.

𝐇𝐮𝐚 𝐘𝐢𝐧𝐠 [] 𝐘𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 ✓Where stories live. Discover now