Heart Attack (One Direction Love Story)

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Eve POV (2002)

Hey, I'm Eve, I'm 7 years old and I have blonde hair. I had an older sister but she died in a plane accident along with my parents. I'm in a Foster home with the best Foster mom ever. I'm waiting to be adopted by a loving family. "Hey Eve?"


"Someone is here to adopt, would you like to come downstairs?"


I set my doll that I got for Christmas from my parents in 1998 down on my bed. I run downstairs and I stand right beside my friends. "Everyone, this is Mrs and Mr Payne with their son Liam and daughters Nicola and Ruth, introduce yourselves.

"I'm Eve, I'm 7 years old, I was born in London England and my parents and sister died in a plane crash."

"I'm Stefanie, I'm 6 years old, I was born in Toronto Ontario Canada, I was abused and put in this loving home."

I smile at Stefanie and she smiles back.

"I'm Connor, I'm 10 years old, I was born in Bradford Ontario Canada. My parents are drunks and so I was put into Foster care."

I look at Connor and he looks at me and smiles.

"I'm Travis, I'm 14 years old. I was born in Paris France and my parents were murdered."

I squeeze Travis's hand and he squeezes back.

"I'm Katie, I'm 16 years old, I absolutely adore Eve, I was born in Miami Florida, my mom drowned and my dad went insane."

Katie picks me up and I hug her neck, she smiles at me and I rest my head on her shoulder.

"I'm Lacie, I'm 17 years old, Eve is adorable as Katie said, I was born in Honolulu Hawaii, my mom died at child birth and my dad was put in jail."

Katie passes me to Lacie and she snuggles me.

"I'm hunter, I'm 17, my parents were killed in an explosion and I was born in Iraq."

I look at hunter but he ignores me.

"OK, thank you for introducing yourselves..."

"Wait! What about Angel?" I snake out of Lacie arms and run upstairs. I knock on Angels door. She opens it.


"Angel! They're adopting, why aren't you there?"

"I was never told."

"Come on!"

I tug on her hand and she lifts me up and walks downstairs.

"Hello, I'm angel, I'm 17, I was born in Edmonton Alberta Canada, my parents committed suicide."

"Thank you everyone."

Angel carries me back upstairs and plops onto my small bed. "Wow, your bed is so small!"

"Well, I'm small."

"That's true."

She winks and tickles me. "Just incase, do you wanna start packing?"

"Do you wanna help me?"


She brings down my suitcase and I pull everything from my drawers, she folds them and puts them in. She kneels down in front of me and hugs me, I hug back. "You're going to be adopted."

"How do you know?"

"I just get this feeling."

"But Angel, I don't wanna leave you."

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