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- s h i v i k a 's p o v -

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- s h i v i k a 's p o v -

I don't know why, but since the time this girl isha is here, i am feeling so furious. Seeing her and atharv Deshmukh interact so happily, makes my heart burn and I don't know why I am feeling that way. I shouldn't be, no? Then why does this fellow heart of mine want to stab that girl? To be very honest, she is sweet and kinda really beautiful and i shouldn't be saying this about her but i just cannot help.

Moreover, She was really close to him. Like really really close and he showed no worries about it which made me feel a little weird. What I have heard from arav jiju is that he doesn't really like being around people who are clingy and very talkative but then again, why isn't he saying anything to her?

The way she smiles and looks at him gives me an unknown fear in my heart. The fear which I hate to accept. Does she feel for him? Like in a romantic way? Maybe I am wrong but her actions speak that way.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize that we had reached outside the mansion as we were going for a shopping haul today at the mall, to buy clothes and accessories for the upcoming important functions of the couples.

"Come on shivi, aren't you going to sit?" I heard sona's voice which brought me out of the unreal trance of mine. "Isha, you can sit on the passenger's seat and shivi, come sit with me." Sonali again voiced out making my eyes go wide. No way i am letting this chipku sit with him again. It's always me who sits there when he is driving so today too, i will sit with him.

I watched Isha approaching the front but before she could open the door, I came in her way and smiled at her awkwardly. "I am sorry Isha, but can you please allow me to sit here? I kinda don't feel very well." eww what an excuse shivika ! What the hell is wrong with you?

"Ahh, sure, no problem." She said hesitatingly and walked towards the back seat. I smiled in victory and settled myself on the seat. I looked at him who gave me a raised brow to which I gave him a keen look making his brows touch together.

He surely must be thinking that I might have gone crazy, making excuses while being perfectly fine. What else can I do? He hasn't noticed me ever since she came and I kinda feel sad about it- wait a damn second shivika ! Why do you feel sad when he is not noticing you? Shut the eff up !

Have you gone crazy? What is wrong with you? Why are you being jealous? Not like you are close to him or something then why? Ugh ! I don't know either. Am I being jealous? Or what? I know nothing why I am feeling this way but it's just hard for me to tolerate seeing him with any other girl.

I know I shouldn't be feeling this way now and I cannot do anything about it.

While my inner self was busy scolding me about my behavior, I was busy taking glances at his side profile. His sharp jawline looks so hot, his attire gives a different aura to his already unreal persona and now I kinda feel very attracted towards him. I like it when he dresses himself in traditionals but in formals, hits different as well.

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