Chapter 4; I'd really appreciate if you'd Intervene!

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Meanwhile back in the alleyway, Trixx made it to the other side safely with the little bat, still hidden. Vox then later specified the rest of the shortcut would lead to another alleyway across the street and then Trixx would have to turn right and she should see Vox's penthouse.

Trixx made it to the street, looked out for any cars and then crossed the road safely. Things were going well as Trixx had not run into any danger just like Vox promised but the moment Trixx approached the corner of the alleyway to turn right, she felt a familiar presence from behind her and it somewhat reminded her of her first day arriving in hell when she was surrounded by three demons.

Trixx grew more and more irritated as she felt it getting worse as she tried to continue her path, so just in case, Trixx carefully lifted the little bat from her shoulder and placed her on top of a nearby trash can, took off her hat and placed it over the bat to keep her hidden from what could be lurking around.

Trixx then walked to the corner of the alleyway, leaned back against the wall and remained calm & controlled while waiting for whoever was following her to step forward from the shadows and show themselves.

Just as Trixx suspected, there was in fact someone following her but she did not expect there to be three of them, at first she thought it might be the same three demons that she fought on her first day in hell but no.

Just as Trixx suspected, there was in fact someone following her but she did not expect there to be three of them, at first she thought it might be the same three demons that she fought on her first day in hell but no

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The three figures in front if her appeared to be made up of one jackal, one rat-like demon and an imp. Suddenly a familiar voice echoed towards the fox demon, at that instant, Trixx's eyes narrowed as she recognised that booming voice ringing in her ears.

"We meet again Talia or should I say......., your highness?" the jackal snarled tauntingly while bowing down mockingly. Trixx's eyes darkened as she growled back with a sharp response ; "You will address me as Trixx now! That title is as dead to me as you are....Vincent!"

Vincent: "I'm almost hurt that you think I came all this way just to cause you trouble." 

Trixx: "oh please, ever since day one all you've done is cause me trouble!"

Vincent: "what have I ever done wrong?"

Trixx: "I don't have all day, speaking of which why are are you following me? don't you have anything better to do?" Vincent chuckled in response "better question what are you doing sneaking around a unfamiliar place, it's unlike you." "Yeah well unlike you I've actually changed if you didn't notice, now answer my question! why are you following me?"

 Vincent: "No no, answer my question, what are you doing?"

Trixx: "I asked you first, why are you following me? and who are these two?"

 Vincent: "well while you were playing dress-up, I started working with the Vee's, one of them in particular has sent me here with a couple of friends that seems to know you."

Vincent boasted with a smug grin, revealing his new golden tooth, while straightening his new suit, clearly trying to show off but Trixx paid no mind to his new accessories and simply rolled her eyes, rather unimpressed.

Trixx: " Oh dear let me guess, they only let you join them because your name starts with 'V' or because you're just as snarky and unpleasant as them? If so it still doesn't answer my question and make it quick please because like I said I don't have all day and your 'friends' in the back there look half asleep."

Vincent: "Ok long story short, Valentino says that you have been disrupting his business by influencing his star actor, so I was asked to 'take care' of the problem for him and he offered me place with the Vee's in return. 

With that the two other behind Vincent stepped forward and stood beside Trixx, encircling her in the centre.

Trixx: "Hold on now this isn't exactly a fair fight."

Vincent: "Then surrender 'Trixx'."

Trixx's eyes then glowed with a violet hue, her ears pulled back as her claws unsheathed and her gaze drifting between the two demons behind her and then back to Vincent as she snarled;

Trixx: "I meant fair for them."

normally Trixx always tried her very best to remain calm and controlled but when it came to Vincent and his cruelty, her patience ran thin.

With that Trixx sprang forward with her fangs bared, charging at Vincent, trying to claw at him but he managed to dodge her attack but she delivered a powerful kick and sent him colliding into the nearby wall, even causing a few crack to appear. Trixx grabbed him by the collar of his suit, pulling him to his feet then Vincent tried strike Trixx but she grabbed his arm, pulled him forward and elbowed him at the back of his neck causing him to collapse on the ground and too weak to move.

The imp then tried to kick at Trixx but before he could land the kick, she grabbed his leg, using his own weight against him, she threw him to side but he then used his tail to wrap around her leg and caused her to trip and fall to the ground. He then stood back up and started taunting the fox demon; " you don't look to good~" "And you look like crap." Trixx replied with a nonchalant expression as the rat demon started cackling at her insult, causing both the imp and Trixx at glare at him then Trixx added; "I take that back,.... he looks like crap." with that, the rat demon stopped his laughing as both him and the imp glared at Trixx, charging at her once more.

Meanwhile at Valentino's studio

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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