Treacherous (Peter Pan Au)

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The stars glistened up the sky, the wind was cold and the moon shined bright. And down below, the people were locking their doors, ready to end the night. The streets were silent, and the cars were parked, only the shadows of cats and dogs were seen lurking in the dark.

Staring outside at this time of the night was something she looked up to every single day. It was alluring and so beautiful and it brought her calmness that she'll forever be grateful she had. She used to think that the world was full of people that traveled and each and everyone of us were put in earth to find the one for them, the one whom they will share the rest of their life with. The one they will be with forever, until the last day of their lives, until their last breath, until their death and after that.

She was so young, so naive, so innocent and yet up until now that she's all grown up and people went in and out of her life and influenced her, she still holds on to that belief.

The belief that was apparently too childish for some to dwell on. But who are they to tell her that? They have no idea.

And maybe that's why she had waited. She waited, and waited, and waited until everything else was asleep, until everything was atrest, until everything was peaceful and all she had was a quiet room and herself, until she was left alone. She waited.

Everyday went with a blur almost as if nothing ever happened. It was a consant blur of here and there, and nowhere in between. And sometimes she thinks that she understands time until the clock twists and started spilling never-ending hourglass sand. And sometimes she wonders if it was too early to wait, and if waiting forever was a possibility.

But what was she waiting for? Love? That's too complicated to explain and has far too many definitions to be gathered into one. The pulse of love starts beating long before you can hear it. It controls you and your thoughts and just everything. Love is always moving, always arriving and always leaving. It was unpredictable.

But how can she understand something she had never felt nor seen? Sure her parents were there to show her but it wasn't enough. She had everything but her everything was just a puzzle piece to what was actually happening in this cruel world we're living. And knowing that alone was scary.

She tucked herself under the comfort of her blanket and just like always, left the window wide open. She stared at it, as if staring will do something to stop her waiting. But then sleep slowly crawled into her veins and ended in her eyelids, and she had nothing else left to do but give in.

Her mind flew away to some land that was nowhere to be found on earth, a land that was magical and full of fantasies and wonders. It was a world where you could be anyone or anything you ever wanted to be than yourself. It was all perfect and it made her blissful. But then she thinks that maybe it was all just appearing in her dreams and only her dreams because it was all too good to be true. Because that was all that. They were just dreams. She wasn't very fond with the idea at all, but unfortunately that's just how things work.

When midnight falls and the sky was nothing but an empty space, the atmosphere around her room had risen. Nana barked at the window but there was nothing there, not a bird nor a leaf. Her curtain flew abruptly and her floorboards creaked but no one was there but a... a shadow. It was a distinct shadow of a boy, no doubt, a mischievous shadow that was flying around her room. But why was it there?

The shadow went to the ceiling and just everywhere. Nana begins to bark again but it didn't wake the girl in her sleep. Nana then grabs the end of the shadow and snaps it off. The shadow slips into the drawer as Nana continues to bark and still wasn't able to wake the girl from her peaceful state.

With all of these happening, little did they know that there was a boy watching them from the clouds above. He watches them closely and contemplating whether to go in or not. And just out of nowhere, a small flying creature zooms in the room. She flies about carelessly almost knocking down the figurines that stood on the shelves and reached the drawer containing the shadow. Then the boy with an overly green outfit entered the room in a rush, and followed it to the drawer.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2014 ⏰

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