the beginning is actually in the midst of it all.

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I saw him.

He was sitting two seats from my side. He saw a normal girl at his lunch table, just whispering wildly at her friend across the table and glancing at her weirdly.

What was in my mind? Take a hot guess.

"He's so pretty!"

"Where's he from, I've never seen him at school before?"

"His side profile- God!"

And if course thanks to fate, I saw him everywhere after that. In my debate club? Drama club? Chess club? Around school? EVERYWHERE.

With his Head held up high every single time. I thought he was quite a smart kid. Really smart. It was attractive, really. But I was actually just another girl who wanted to be his friend so... What does it matter?

I could barely care about him now. He's got friends, and a whole clique? I wouldn't exactly want to be a part of that whole... thing, you get me?

But a part of me always wondered what would happen-

if only he knew what goes on in my mind.

If Only You Knew What Goes On In My Mind.Where stories live. Discover now